Res, this ones for you.
Monday, June 30, 2014
Saturday, June 28, 2014
The Fourth Turning
I read thus book in about 4 hours and I am a slow reader. I was captivated. It nails what is going on and what has gone on and why it does. There are four turnings (generations) in a cycle. These two guys wrote this back in the mid 90's during the third turning and said the fourth turning would come in the middle of the first decade of 2000's (2005-2008). Man they nailed it right on the head. It tells us what are the possible out comes of this fourth turning around 2020 to 2025. I mean they nail the crisis (start of the fourth turning, remember 2008?). You have got to read this book.
Four everything Vox hates the baby boomers this book predicted why his generation would and this is not new. Vox really needs to read this book it tells him more about why he is the way he is more than I think even he knows. Why the baby boomers are the way they are and what the Millennials would be like (published in 97) and how this could go fascism real fast during the fourth turning if we didn't understand what was going on and deal with it. I can't think of a single book I have read in the last 10 years more important than this one. This one should be filed under prophecy.
Book Blog
Amazon Book - read the "look inside". Also available kindle and audible.
Generation Entering… | First Turning (High) | Second Turning (Awakening) | Third Turning (Unraveling) | Fourth Turning (Crisis) |
Elderhoood | Nomad | Hero | Artist | Prophet |
Midlife | Hero | Artist | Prophet | Nomad |
Young Adulthood | Artist | Prophet | Nomad | Hero |
Childhood | Prophet | Nomad | Hero | Artist |
Families | Strong | Weakening | Weak | Strengthening |
Child Nurture | Loosening | Underprotective | Tightening | Overprotective |
Gap Between Gender Roles | Maximum | Narrowing | Minimum | Widening |
Ideals | Settled | Discovered | Debated | Championed |
Institutions | Reinforced | Attacked | Eroded | Founded |
Culture | Innocent | Passionate | Cynical | Practical |
Social Structure | Unified | Splintering | Diversified | Gravitating |
Worldview | Simple | Complicating | Complex | Simplifying |
Special Priority | Maximum Community | Rising Individualism | Maximum Individualism | Rising Community |
Social Motivator | Shame | Conscience | Guilt | Stigma |
Sense of Greatest Need | Do What Works | Fix Inner World | Do What Feels Right | Fix Outer World |
Vision of Future | Brightening | Euphoric | Darkening | Urgent |
Wars | Restorative | Controversial | Inconclusive | Total |
Thursday, June 26, 2014
Protestants pray all the time like Catholics. I may be incorrect on this But I don't think most Protestants have occasion prayers with the exception of things like "The Lords Prayer" and the "Serenity Prayer". I could be wrong about this as I am not a Protestant. But praying is something I have never seen discussed in a how to do sense. I don't think it matters, personally, but I do think that there is power in in number and getting everyone on the same page.
I would never be so arrogant as to say how some one chooses to pray is incorrect, because sincere prayer is the best prayer. So there are negatives to occasional prayer as if just going through the motions. Prayer is never really discussed on blogs. I haven't said the rosary in years and most of my prayer is off the cuff, but it is nice to have occasion prayer as well. Just because someone else wrote it don't mean the one saying the prayer is not being heart felt. I was curious as to how my readers pray (method). Some may say the Holy Spirit leads me in prayer, which I like those that just come to you.
But it is easy to pray for the wrong things. I remember when I was a child of about 6 or 7 praying for God to give me a motorcycle and I explained down to every last detail what it should look like. I told God to put it under the tree in the back yard and I would go out and get it the next morning. Of course I was disappointed when it was not there. It seemed to change the way I prayed the first portion of my life as well.
As a child I was confused about God and what he was or wasn't, I just heard the grownups saying we will pray for person A to be healed, or person B to find a job. No one ever took the time to tell me what prayer is for, I had to figure that one out mostly on my own. It was after 6 or 7 that I realized God wasn't prayer vending machine. Then later on I figured he just don't listen (time in the desert that everyone has).
Prayer like anything needs to be developed like muscle. Why do I never see Christian sites ever addressing prayer and its utility. I just hear we need to pray for this or that or so-in-so. Some go so far as to say that if you don't get healed of a disease you just didn't have enough faith then on the other side of the spectrum you have God isn't listening.
We all pray who are Christian, but have we asked ourselves what it is about? Do we know personally why we do it? I could make this post so long that everyone would give up on it. So I will stop here. There is a comment section if you have something to say on addressing prayer. Seems everyone has a different opinion on its utility. People need not only tell their children how to pray but what prayer is, and most of all what it isn't.
I would never be so arrogant as to say how some one chooses to pray is incorrect, because sincere prayer is the best prayer. So there are negatives to occasional prayer as if just going through the motions. Prayer is never really discussed on blogs. I haven't said the rosary in years and most of my prayer is off the cuff, but it is nice to have occasion prayer as well. Just because someone else wrote it don't mean the one saying the prayer is not being heart felt. I was curious as to how my readers pray (method). Some may say the Holy Spirit leads me in prayer, which I like those that just come to you.
But it is easy to pray for the wrong things. I remember when I was a child of about 6 or 7 praying for God to give me a motorcycle and I explained down to every last detail what it should look like. I told God to put it under the tree in the back yard and I would go out and get it the next morning. Of course I was disappointed when it was not there. It seemed to change the way I prayed the first portion of my life as well.
As a child I was confused about God and what he was or wasn't, I just heard the grownups saying we will pray for person A to be healed, or person B to find a job. No one ever took the time to tell me what prayer is for, I had to figure that one out mostly on my own. It was after 6 or 7 that I realized God wasn't prayer vending machine. Then later on I figured he just don't listen (time in the desert that everyone has).
Prayer like anything needs to be developed like muscle. Why do I never see Christian sites ever addressing prayer and its utility. I just hear we need to pray for this or that or so-in-so. Some go so far as to say that if you don't get healed of a disease you just didn't have enough faith then on the other side of the spectrum you have God isn't listening.
We all pray who are Christian, but have we asked ourselves what it is about? Do we know personally why we do it? I could make this post so long that everyone would give up on it. So I will stop here. There is a comment section if you have something to say on addressing prayer. Seems everyone has a different opinion on its utility. People need not only tell their children how to pray but what prayer is, and most of all what it isn't.
Tuesday, June 24, 2014
I am old Fashion
I may be, but more likely a traditionalists. I won't touch a Ouija board. I believe that such things are bound in superstition and necromancy.
I believe it is foolish to mess with one of them. They are passed off as a child's game and very dangerous in my opinion. Has anyone a different thought about this, because I am dead set stubborn on mine? I don't touch the hot stove and I won't touch Ouija board.
There is something else out there, and get me six guys together and I can prove it without the board. I have. Don't be messing with these or Terot cards. DON'T LET YOUR CHILDREN PLAY WITH THEM! EVER!
I believe it is foolish to mess with one of them. They are passed off as a child's game and very dangerous in my opinion. Has anyone a different thought about this, because I am dead set stubborn on mine? I don't touch the hot stove and I won't touch Ouija board.
There is something else out there, and get me six guys together and I can prove it without the board. I have. Don't be messing with these or Terot cards. DON'T LET YOUR CHILDREN PLAY WITH THEM! EVER!
World's Fastest: 270.49 mph Hennessey Venom GT
Watch the "g" Meter!
The Standard automobile tire slips at 1.15 "g's" or has a friction coefficient (k) of 1.15 on dry concrete. In other words with antilock brakes your car is not going to decelerate faster than 37.3 ft/sec^2 on dry concrete as a rule of thumb. In fact they use it in a court of law.
Saturday, June 21, 2014
Happy first day of Summer
Personally I hate summer, because I live in Texas. Summer means hot and there is almost no relief 4 months. I like late fall, winter and early spring. It don't even cool off in the mornings enough to be comfortable.
Anyway a few things about the first day of what we call summer in the US. It is the longest day of the year in the northern hemisphere. It's a little over 14 hours of sun here in DFW. The farther you go north in latitude the longer the first day of summer is. Today in Minneapolis - Daylight Hours: 15 hours, 36 minutes (Sunrise Today: 5:26 AM, 55° Northeast Sunset Today: 9:03 PM, 305° Northwest) in Fort Worth Daylight Hours: 14 hours, 18 minutes (Sunrise Today: 6:22 AM, 61° Northeast, Sunset Today: 8:40 PM, 299° Northwest).
The only day in the US that the days are equal everywhere in length is on the first day of spring and the first day of fall. In which day and night are equally 12 hours, but this is not true for the tropics and the poles, which the US is in neither.
Happy first day of summer.
Anyway a few things about the first day of what we call summer in the US. It is the longest day of the year in the northern hemisphere. It's a little over 14 hours of sun here in DFW. The farther you go north in latitude the longer the first day of summer is. Today in Minneapolis - Daylight Hours: 15 hours, 36 minutes (Sunrise Today: 5:26 AM, 55° Northeast Sunset Today: 9:03 PM, 305° Northwest) in Fort Worth Daylight Hours: 14 hours, 18 minutes (Sunrise Today: 6:22 AM, 61° Northeast, Sunset Today: 8:40 PM, 299° Northwest).
The only day in the US that the days are equal everywhere in length is on the first day of spring and the first day of fall. In which day and night are equally 12 hours, but this is not true for the tropics and the poles, which the US is in neither.
Happy first day of summer.
Border Disease
This is criminal
We have military Veterans that wait month for medical treatment. These people who have done nothing but enter our country illegally get immediate medical treatment and are put on busses and shipped into the United States, and put on public assistance. I think this is a strategy to piss Americans off. This administration is looking to cause a civil war, and the best way to do that is to piss off a bunch of military veterans that served this country and then denying them health care and giving it to illegal border crossers. There is a war on our military veterans and this is the only logical reason I can see for them shoving this in their faces.
Wednesday, June 18, 2014
The Mysterious Blue Holes of the Bahamas
Ever notice that when you have a place on earth that is largely unexplored there is always said to be a monster of some sort there. These things are pretty cool.
Among all of this stunning biodiversity and wealth of geographical features, perhaps the most mysterious feature of the island is its many enigmatic and beautiful blue holes, which dot the island both in the sea and inland. Blue holes are steep, roughly circular underwater caves or sinkholes which are also referred to as “vertical caves,” and can descend down to depths of 100 meters (330 feet) to 392 meters (1,286 feet). Blue holes are so named for the dramatic contrast between the dark, azure blue of their depths, and the lighter colored shallows surrounding them, although inland blue holes tend to look more like circular black lakes due mostly to rotting vegetation.
It is said that this ominous creature lurks deep in the blue hole caves during the day and comes out of its dark lair to hunt at night. Witnesses report that the Lusca will suddenly rise up under an unsuspecting swimmer and simply suck them beneath the waves with shocking speed, leaving nothing but bubbling water behind. Since the monster purportedly drags the hapless prey into craggy underwater caves to feed, the bodies of these victims are never seen again. The Lusca is commonly blamed for missing swimmers and the occasional disappearance of cave divers in the area as well.
It is said that this ominous creature lurks deep in the blue hole caves during the day and comes out of its dark lair to hunt at night. Witnesses report that the Lusca will suddenly rise up under an unsuspecting swimmer and simply suck them beneath the waves with shocking speed, leaving nothing but bubbling water behind. Since the monster purportedly drags the hapless prey into craggy underwater caves to feed, the bodies of these victims are never seen again. The Lusca is commonly blamed for missing swimmers and the occasional disappearance of cave divers in the area as well.
Tuesday, June 17, 2014
My first two physics lessons
My dad was an EE who Graduated Physics at NTSU. I remember my first physics lesson from him. We were on vacation in Colorado, and it seemed like it rained for a little bit every single day. I believe we were headed to Vail and I was about six years old. There was a rainbow outside the right window of the back seat where I happened to be sitting. I was watching it and told dad it was going "the same fast as us". He said now watch it and since we were the only one on the road he came to a crawl and it slowed down with us, then he sped back up and it sped back up with us. I thought it was amazing. At six he didn't explain why but later in life I learned why and he provided the observation for me.
The second lesson was he was driving me home from one of my friends birthday parties and we were on an old gravel country road. I was holding a helium balloon by the string and playing with it. He asked me which way it would go if he slammed on the brakes, and I pointed at the front windshield. That car didn't have seatbelts back then so he took the balloon and told me to hold on to the dash. When he slammed on the breaks he let go of the balloon and it went to the back of the car. He didn't explain why but later in life I learned and he had provided the observation for me.
I think back about my dad and he did a lot of things like that with me and later in life I understood why. That is something simple you can do for your children and it doesn't have to be physics but he saw the physicist in me at an early age and would do things like that.
Think about that the next time you are spending time with your children it was a simple thing that stuck with me and when I understood I appreciated it even more. I am not a father so I won't preach to you but I was a fathers son, and I can tell you those simple things are the things I like to remember and learned from.
The second lesson was he was driving me home from one of my friends birthday parties and we were on an old gravel country road. I was holding a helium balloon by the string and playing with it. He asked me which way it would go if he slammed on the brakes, and I pointed at the front windshield. That car didn't have seatbelts back then so he took the balloon and told me to hold on to the dash. When he slammed on the breaks he let go of the balloon and it went to the back of the car. He didn't explain why but later in life I learned and he had provided the observation for me.
I think back about my dad and he did a lot of things like that with me and later in life I understood why. That is something simple you can do for your children and it doesn't have to be physics but he saw the physicist in me at an early age and would do things like that.
Think about that the next time you are spending time with your children it was a simple thing that stuck with me and when I understood I appreciated it even more. I am not a father so I won't preach to you but I was a fathers son, and I can tell you those simple things are the things I like to remember and learned from.
Do you believe in conspiracies?
IMBD Enemy of the State. Watch the trailer
What year did it come out? The answer is 1998. What is the movie about? The NSA spying on the average American citizen. How pervasive it is. Will Smith is caught up in a spy movie wherein the NSA is watching every move he makes. It tells what they do and how they do it.
You say, now Outlaw how did you come across this? I was bored tonight and just popped in an old DVD and was watching then I noticed something. When did all the laws and what event made those laws come into effect? I was shocked when I saw this. Look at the date of birth of the head NSA bad guy in this movie and remember it was made in 1998.
Hrmm? Quite a coincidence! Click to enlarge. Yeah I got a crappy TV and all isn't shown, is there anything else I might be missing that you guys can catch on his BIO? Spooky stuff, no pun intended.
Update: Just googled it, looks like I am not the first one to notice.
What year did it come out? The answer is 1998. What is the movie about? The NSA spying on the average American citizen. How pervasive it is. Will Smith is caught up in a spy movie wherein the NSA is watching every move he makes. It tells what they do and how they do it.
You say, now Outlaw how did you come across this? I was bored tonight and just popped in an old DVD and was watching then I noticed something. When did all the laws and what event made those laws come into effect? I was shocked when I saw this. Look at the date of birth of the head NSA bad guy in this movie and remember it was made in 1998.
Hrmm? Quite a coincidence! Click to enlarge. Yeah I got a crappy TV and all isn't shown, is there anything else I might be missing that you guys can catch on his BIO? Spooky stuff, no pun intended.
Update: Just googled it, looks like I am not the first one to notice.
Inflation on the declne.
No inflation
I got these picture off the web and don't do the shopping, so take as you will. I just throw 60 dollars at mom every time she goes to the grocery store and don't ask questions. I'll ask her.
Monday, June 16, 2014
Cool Pics
NYC 1930's Parking - Don't ask me how it works, couldn't even guess.
Anyone that knows about rainbows knows -FAKE!
Anyone that knows about rainbows knows -FAKE!
Saturday, June 14, 2014
A different way to think about sickness
I actually loved this book, I bought it before I found out it was online. There is another book strictly about cancer that isn't on line called Cancer by Eli Jones that is really good because he nailed what happened to me over 100 years ago. But Toxemia is available on line which you can read, and it is more general and a different way to think about sickness. Now that the Pharmaceutical industrial complex defines what we can and can't do all this has been forgotten. I hope this helps someone because it helped me and I had to dig deep to find them.
The Moderns do not expect men to understand these things, but to make man pretend he understands them.
Toxemia Explained: Online free PDF (He is not talking about not believing in God (salvation) when you read this first part of the preface, they talked different back then).
and, when not looking for a savior, he is looking for a cure.
He believes in paternalism. He is looking to get something
for nothing, not knowing that the highest price we ever pay
for anything is to have it given to us.
Instead of accepting salvation, it is better to deserve it.
Instead of buying, begging, or stealing, a cure, it is better to
stop building disease. Disease is of man’s own building,
and one worse thing than the stupidity of buying a cure is to
remain so ignorant as to believe in cures.
The false theories of salvation and cures have built man
into a mental mendicant, when he should be the arbiter of
his own salvation, and certainly his own doctor, instead of
being a slave to a profession that has neither worked out its
own salvation from disease nor discovered a single cure in
all the age-long period of man’s existence on earth.
We hear of diet cures, dietitians, balanced rations, meat
diets, vegetable diets, and other diets—chemically prepared
foods of all kinds. The reading public is bewildered with
recognize it if they should meet it on the street. Fanaticism,
bigotry, stupidity, and commercialism are the principal
elements in the dietetic complex that is now belaboring the
that their remedy has cured their patients, when
the truth is that the so-called disease “ran its course.” The
truth is that the so-called disease was a toxemic crisis, and
when the toxin was eliminated below the toleration point,
the sickness passed—automatically health returned. But the
disease was not cured; for the cause (enervating habits) is
continued, toxin still accumulates, and in due course of
time another crisis appears. Unless the cause of Toxemia is
discovered and removed, crises will recur until functional
derangements will give way to organic disease.
The entire profession is engaged in doctoring crises of
Toxemia—curing (?) and curing (?) until overtaken with
chronic disease of whatever organ was the seat of the toxin
The Moderns do not expect men to understand these things, but to make man pretend he understands them.
Toxemia Explained: Online free PDF (He is not talking about not believing in God (salvation) when you read this first part of the preface, they talked different back then).
FROM time immemorial man has looked for a savior;and, when not looking for a savior, he is looking for a cure.
He believes in paternalism. He is looking to get something
for nothing, not knowing that the highest price we ever pay
for anything is to have it given to us.
Instead of accepting salvation, it is better to deserve it.
Instead of buying, begging, or stealing, a cure, it is better to
stop building disease. Disease is of man’s own building,
and one worse thing than the stupidity of buying a cure is to
remain so ignorant as to believe in cures.
The false theories of salvation and cures have built man
into a mental mendicant, when he should be the arbiter of
his own salvation, and certainly his own doctor, instead of
being a slave to a profession that has neither worked out its
own salvation from disease nor discovered a single cure in
all the age-long period of man’s existence on earth.
We hear of diet cures, dietitians, balanced rations, meat
diets, vegetable diets, and other diets—chemically prepared
foods of all kinds. The reading public is bewildered with
hundreds of health magazines and thousands of health
ideas. There are thousands writing on health who would notrecognize it if they should meet it on the street. Fanaticism,
bigotry, stupidity, and commercialism are the principal
elements in the dietetic complex that is now belaboring the
Cures are what the people want, and cures are what
doctors and cultists affect to make; but at most only relief isgiven.
The periodicity which characterizes all functional
derangements of the body lends color to the claims of curemongersthat their remedy has cured their patients, when
the truth is that the so-called disease “ran its course.” The
truth is that the so-called disease was a toxemic crisis, and
when the toxin was eliminated below the toleration point,
the sickness passed—automatically health returned. But the
disease was not cured; for the cause (enervating habits) is
continued, toxin still accumulates, and in due course of
time another crisis appears. Unless the cause of Toxemia is
discovered and removed, crises will recur until functional
derangements will give way to organic disease.
The entire profession is engaged in doctoring crises of
chronic disease of whatever organ was the seat of the toxin
Friday, June 13, 2014
War and Patriotism
On September 11th 2001 9 hijackers flew three planes into building and crashed another one into a field. We were all angry, I l know I was. So we invaded Afghanistan then Iraq in March 2003. Ever where you drove your car you saw American flags flying on car windows and magnetic "support our troops" on the back of our cars. It has been 13 Years and we have spread the wars all around the Middle East and a lot od our troops died or came back physic ally or mentally damaged.
Today we see these headlines on the top left of the Drudge report.
Government 'paralyzed'...
VIDEO: Thousands of soldiers captured...
REPORT: 200 American contractors surrounded...
Vets watch as insurgents undo sacrifices...
'It's LIke Punch In Gut'...
Oil Soars...
I hope we have learned a lesson from this fiasco. We told our young people they were fighting for our freedom and every one who question the wisdom of war was an America hater or Liberal or any other name they could use to humiliate them. Basically there was no room for descent as they were laughed at ridiculed and hated. I was part of that, but by 2003, I started to the light so to speak. I saw the folly of this exercise in fighting for our freedom as they were all stripped from us little by little.
Now you can't go to an airport or a sporting event without searches. Everything we do from talking on the phone to surfing the internet is recorded in something they call metadata. The soldiers are angry because they were lied to. The American populace is angry because they were lied to and are still being lied to. We went from a reasonably free people to a surveilled suspected populace fearing our government.
But when all is said and done, however this eventually ends, we need to remember that this has happened again and again throughout history. Mankind doesn't progress it repeats its mistakes all though recorded history.
We destroyed ourselves in our patriotic zeal. We lost our freedom, respect around the world and our economy. We are broke, hated and enslaved to a global elite to what they call a New World Order. Which even FDR once said of Nazi fascism as the New Order. "It is not new, and it is not order."
Today we see these headlines on the top left of the Drudge report.
Government 'paralyzed'...
VIDEO: Thousands of soldiers captured...
REPORT: 200 American contractors surrounded...
Vets watch as insurgents undo sacrifices...
'It's LIke Punch In Gut'...
Oil Soars...
I hope we have learned a lesson from this fiasco. We told our young people they were fighting for our freedom and every one who question the wisdom of war was an America hater or Liberal or any other name they could use to humiliate them. Basically there was no room for descent as they were laughed at ridiculed and hated. I was part of that, but by 2003, I started to the light so to speak. I saw the folly of this exercise in fighting for our freedom as they were all stripped from us little by little.
Now you can't go to an airport or a sporting event without searches. Everything we do from talking on the phone to surfing the internet is recorded in something they call metadata. The soldiers are angry because they were lied to. The American populace is angry because they were lied to and are still being lied to. We went from a reasonably free people to a surveilled suspected populace fearing our government.
But when all is said and done, however this eventually ends, we need to remember that this has happened again and again throughout history. Mankind doesn't progress it repeats its mistakes all though recorded history.
We destroyed ourselves in our patriotic zeal. We lost our freedom, respect around the world and our economy. We are broke, hated and enslaved to a global elite to what they call a New World Order. Which even FDR once said of Nazi fascism as the New Order. "It is not new, and it is not order."
Thursday, June 12, 2014
Unforgivable Sins
Most people say there is just one unforgivable sin but I count two.
1) Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit.
KJV Mark 3:29
But he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness, but is in danger of eternal damnation:
2) Not forgiving others trespasses:
KJV Matt 6:14-15
14 “For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. 15 But if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.
The second is a hard pill to swallow.
1) Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit.
KJV Mark 3:29
But he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness, but is in danger of eternal damnation:
2) Not forgiving others trespasses:
KJV Matt 6:14-15
14 “For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. 15 But if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.
The second is a hard pill to swallow.
Sun and Natural Disasters
I just watched and interesting youtube Video.
I keep an open mind on things, but not so open that it all spills out. But I am going to watch for natural disasters (around the world) occurring on the 12th-14th after the two X class flares early on the 11th (my time). Take it how you will but I am going to be paying attention every time we have big solar flares.
I keep an open mind on things, but not so open that it all spills out. But I am going to watch for natural disasters (around the world) occurring on the 12th-14th after the two X class flares early on the 11th (my time). Take it how you will but I am going to be paying attention every time we have big solar flares.
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
The Sun Series
This is a series of videos about the sun. For those who home school or if you are just curious about the sun, its effects on the earth and the physics. Age 13 and up appropriate..
The Sun series.
The Sun series.
Monday, June 9, 2014
It is the Rabbit!
Notable among these breeds is the Flemish Giant, originally bred as early as the 16th Century near Ghent in Belgium. Nowadays a frequently-exhibited show breed around the world and occurring in a wide range of colours, it can weigh as much as 30 lb without being obese, and in overall size is comparable to a cocker spaniel. Another extremely large breed is the Continental Giant, descended from the Flemish Giant. The world's largest rabbit currently alive is a Continental Giant named Ralph, who tips the scale at a truly staggering, non-obese weight of 55 lb!
Pretty big rabbits, would feed a family of five. Never heard of them. And I thought the Texas Jack Rabbit was big.
Hubble incredible view
Incredible view.
The patch of sky in this image has been previously studied by astronomers in a series of visible and near-infrared exposures taken from 2004 to 2009: the Hubble Ultra Deep Field. Now, with the addition of ultraviolet light, they have combined the full range of colors available to Hubble, stretching all the way from ultraviolet to near-infrared light. The resulting image, made from 841 orbits of telescope viewing time, contains approximately 10,000 galaxies, extending back to within a few hundred million years of the Big Bang.
Zoom in and pan video to put it into perspective how far away the above photo is.
The patch of sky in this image has been previously studied by astronomers in a series of visible and near-infrared exposures taken from 2004 to 2009: the Hubble Ultra Deep Field. Now, with the addition of ultraviolet light, they have combined the full range of colors available to Hubble, stretching all the way from ultraviolet to near-infrared light. The resulting image, made from 841 orbits of telescope viewing time, contains approximately 10,000 galaxies, extending back to within a few hundred million years of the Big Bang.
Zoom in and pan video to put it into perspective how far away the above photo is.
Loading player...
Saturday, June 7, 2014
The Pacific and Adjacent Theaters in WWII
110 photographs of WWII. I never seen any of these before, and all of them clear and sharp. This isn't one of those slide shows where you have to click to see each consecutive one. They are all on one page and you just scroll down. Magnificent photography.
Friday, June 6, 2014
Mr. Walls
I got a dang funny phone call today about 3:pm. The phone rang and it said "Private Caller" with no phone number. I never answer those. But for some reason I decided to, don't know why? I picked up the phone and this is how it went.
Me: "Hello"... Silence
Me: "Helloooo...."
Female Voice (timid): "Is this Mr. Walls?"
Me: "You got the wrong number"
(My TV was up loud and couldn't really hear that good so I flipped it to mute)
Me: "Did you ask is this Mr. Walls?"
Male voice in a semi angry tone: "Are there any Walls there"
Me: "Yes, I have lots of walls but no one here by that name." (His Voiced Cracked)
Me: "This is a crank call right? Call me up and ask if there are any walls in my house." ( I started laughing and hung up the phone)
Needles to say they never called back. I figure with private caller ID and two people on the same line they were looking for someone. I got a good laugh out of it, I have no idea what they thought. I am not bullshiting here folks, it actually happened. I guess amateurs shouldn't try to play private detective.
Me: "Hello"... Silence
Me: "Helloooo...."
Female Voice (timid): "Is this Mr. Walls?"
Me: "You got the wrong number"
(My TV was up loud and couldn't really hear that good so I flipped it to mute)
Me: "Did you ask is this Mr. Walls?"
Male voice in a semi angry tone: "Are there any Walls there"
Me: "Yes, I have lots of walls but no one here by that name." (His Voiced Cracked)
Me: "This is a crank call right? Call me up and ask if there are any walls in my house." ( I started laughing and hung up the phone)
Needles to say they never called back. I figure with private caller ID and two people on the same line they were looking for someone. I got a good laugh out of it, I have no idea what they thought. I am not bullshiting here folks, it actually happened. I guess amateurs shouldn't try to play private detective.
Judge Jeanine Pirro
Never heard of this lady. Wow, If Savage could just shut up and let her talk. Evidently she is a Fox News anchor. I'm impressed. I quit watching Fox years ago. The thing I most hate about talk show hosts is they can't shut up for more than 20 seconds, then change the damn subject just as the guest is winding up their thoughts. I wish just once a guest would say, look, it's your show but if you can't let me complete a thought this is a waste of my time. Alex Jones is the worst about it. I did see Paul Craig Roberts call down Alex one day when he was either interrupting or trying to complete his thought for him. I sent him an email and told him he had diarrhea of the mouth and was extremely rude to a man of PCR's stature. But any way listen to this lady when Savage shuts his mouth.
Shocking medical notice
This lady took her daughter to the doctor recently and wrote this warning about new policies. One day I'll do a post on the horror stories I have encountered in the treatment of cancer. After Obamacare became law this year it is getting worse. But for now, read this. .
Let’s get one thing straight: no doctor or nurse is going to sequester my children in an exam room and talk to them privately. Period. This public service announcement made necessary because of this sign, posted at the check-in counter of my doctor’s office.
I was there last week for an appointment for Amy. She hurt her foot, which makes dancing difficult, so we had to get that checked out. Amy is 17; I asked if this policy was in effect and if so, how could I opt out. The receptionist told me it’s a new law and there is no opting out. Working to keep my cool, I said, “I’m sure there is.” She said, “No, there isn’t.” At which point I asked if I needed to leave and go to the urgent care center because I was not submitting my daughter to such a conversation.
That did not go over well
The receptionist closed the window. Almost immediately, the office manager turned the corner and said, “Mrs. Duffy, may I speak with you?”
She said there was a new policy that would allow a child to access his/her medical records online and the child would be allowed to block a parent from viewing the website. The nurse would also inform my children that the doctor’s office is a safe place for them to receive information about STDs, HIV and birth control. That is what the nurse would be chatting about with my children without any pesky parental oversight.
I kindly informed her that no one would be talking with my children privately, and I needed to know how to opt out of this policy before bringing Amy back for her physical next month. (Yay for physicals! Amy is so excited.)
By this time, the doctor was ready to see Amy so I had to cut the conversation short because I was not letting my girl out of my eyesight or earshot. Not when it was clear that these people were angling to undermine my parental authority.
Does that sound a bit dramatic to you? It shouldn’t. Because that is exactly what they are trying to do.
Make sure this is crystal clear: what they want to do is talk to your child about sex and drugs (maybe rock and roll – who knows?) without your input. Is it really such a stretch to imagine that a doctor who does not value abstinence before marriage would encourage your daughters – as young as 12! – to receive birth control? Is it really such a stretch to imagine a nurse telling a young boy – because a 12 year old boy is a BOY – that she will give him condoms so he can be “safe”? Is this what you want told to your children without the ability to filter the info through your world view?
Should a doctor ever ask to speak to a child without a parent present? If he/she suspects abuse then of course. But short of evidence of abuse, a doctor should not need to speak to a child alone.
I am the Mom. I will pick who can talk to my kids about sex and drugs. And rock-n-roll for that matter.
Regardless what health care provider you choose, please know that no one has the right to remove you from your child’s exam room. Perhaps if more of us stood up for our rights as parents, this ludicrous undermining of parental authority might end.
Let’s get one thing straight: no doctor or nurse is going to sequester my children in an exam room and talk to them privately. Period. This public service announcement made necessary because of this sign, posted at the check-in counter of my doctor’s office.
I was there last week for an appointment for Amy. She hurt her foot, which makes dancing difficult, so we had to get that checked out. Amy is 17; I asked if this policy was in effect and if so, how could I opt out. The receptionist told me it’s a new law and there is no opting out. Working to keep my cool, I said, “I’m sure there is.” She said, “No, there isn’t.” At which point I asked if I needed to leave and go to the urgent care center because I was not submitting my daughter to such a conversation.
That did not go over well
The receptionist closed the window. Almost immediately, the office manager turned the corner and said, “Mrs. Duffy, may I speak with you?”
She said there was a new policy that would allow a child to access his/her medical records online and the child would be allowed to block a parent from viewing the website. The nurse would also inform my children that the doctor’s office is a safe place for them to receive information about STDs, HIV and birth control. That is what the nurse would be chatting about with my children without any pesky parental oversight.
I kindly informed her that no one would be talking with my children privately, and I needed to know how to opt out of this policy before bringing Amy back for her physical next month. (Yay for physicals! Amy is so excited.)
By this time, the doctor was ready to see Amy so I had to cut the conversation short because I was not letting my girl out of my eyesight or earshot. Not when it was clear that these people were angling to undermine my parental authority.
Does that sound a bit dramatic to you? It shouldn’t. Because that is exactly what they are trying to do.
Make sure this is crystal clear: what they want to do is talk to your child about sex and drugs (maybe rock and roll – who knows?) without your input. Is it really such a stretch to imagine that a doctor who does not value abstinence before marriage would encourage your daughters – as young as 12! – to receive birth control? Is it really such a stretch to imagine a nurse telling a young boy – because a 12 year old boy is a BOY – that she will give him condoms so he can be “safe”? Is this what you want told to your children without the ability to filter the info through your world view?
Should a doctor ever ask to speak to a child without a parent present? If he/she suspects abuse then of course. But short of evidence of abuse, a doctor should not need to speak to a child alone.
I am the Mom. I will pick who can talk to my kids about sex and drugs. And rock-n-roll for that matter.
Regardless what health care provider you choose, please know that no one has the right to remove you from your child’s exam room. Perhaps if more of us stood up for our rights as parents, this ludicrous undermining of parental authority might end.
Wednesday, June 4, 2014
The Infinite Universe
This is old. I found it on an old USB Thumb Drive while looking for something else. I am sure was state of the art at the time. It can hold a whole 125 MB of information. That's funny to even think about. It is old enough I don't remember writing it. It is also incomplete, unfinished.
Update: There is a reason I don't remember writing this, because I didn't. Dr. Hugh Ross did. Sorry about that, but I remember studying it in depth probably saved it and when I saw it on an old USB drive thought I wrote it. Doesn't change its truth. Actually gives it more kick of authority. I'm kind of embarrassed at myself, I'm just glad I caught this myself..
Steam engine 12%
Human body 1%
Universe 0.00000001%
During the collapse phase toward a hypothetical bounce at least one region or volume (technically called a “domain”) in the universe would utterly resist being crushed to the tiny volume necessary for the exotic effects of quantum gravity to take over.
Update: There is a reason I don't remember writing this, because I didn't. Dr. Hugh Ross did. Sorry about that, but I remember studying it in depth probably saved it and when I saw it on an old USB drive thought I wrote it. Doesn't change its truth. Actually gives it more kick of authority. I'm kind of embarrassed at myself, I'm just glad I caught this myself..
Infinitely Oscillation Universe Model
In the oscillating
universe model suggested by physicists like Robert Dicke and John
Gribbin, the universe alternates for infinite time between phases of
expansion and contraction. Gravity halts the expansion and generates
a succeeding phase of contraction. An unknown physical mechanism is
proposed to somehow bounce the universe from a period of contraction
into a period of expansion, and the characteristics of the
contraction and expansion phases
are presumed not to vary significantly with time.
According to Princeton
physicist Robert Dicke, an infinite number of these cycles of
expansion and contraction of the universe would “relieve us of the
necessity of understanding the origin of matter at any finite time in
the past.” The creation event becomes irrelevant, and our existence
could be attributed to one lucky bounce.
But the universe has
far less mechanical efficiency than a foam-rubber ball. In 1983 and
1984, American astrophysicists Marc Sher, Alan Guth, and Sidney
Bludman demonstrated that even if the universe contained enough mass
to halt its current expansion, any ultimate collapse would end in a
thud, not a bounce. In terms of mechanical energy, the universe more
closely resembles a wet lump of clay than a pumped up volleyball (see
table 1). Sher and Guth confidently entitled their paper “The
Impossibility of a Bouncing Universe.”
Table 1: Mechanical
Efficiencies of Some Common Systems
If the universe
oscillated, that means it is behaving like an engine or a system
designed to perform work. The ability of a system or engine to
perform work or to oscillate depends on its mechanical efficiency.
The universe literally ranks as the worst engine in all existence.
Its mechanical efficiency is so low that oscillation is impossible.
System or
Engine Mechanical Efficiency
Diesel engine 40%
Gasoline engine 25%Steam engine 12%
Human body 1%
Universe 0.00000001%
Arnold Sikkema and
Werner Israel grasped it, hypothesizing bizarre effects of merging
black holes in that split second when all the matter and energy of
the universe would still have been contained in a very tiny volume.
These men honestly admitted that no consistent theory of quantum
gravity yet exists. It must be noted, too, that the oscillation
theory they proposed yields at most only a sharply limited number of
bounces. It offers no escape from the notion of a beginning in the
not-so-distant past.
That slender straw
grasped by Sikkema and Israel was crushed recently by Russian
physicist Andre Linde. At a symposium on the large-scale structure of
the universe, Linde demonstrated that the universe, with the
characteristics we observe, cannot have arisen from a bounce in the
quantum gravity era. Why?
There are two
During the collapse phase toward a hypothetical bounce at least one region or volume (technically called a “domain”) in the universe would utterly resist being crushed to the tiny volume necessary for the exotic effects of quantum gravity to take over.
- The bounce, if it could take place, would not produce sufficient matter.
Pope, the Big Bang, and God
It took Pope Pius XII ,
in his 1951 address to the Pontifical Academy of Science, to turn
that question into an international debate. The Pope spoke of how
“true science discovers God in an ever-increasing degree.” The
Big Bang suggested that “the material universe had in finite time a
mighty beginning.” It showed how matter was dependent on a
Necessary Being. In other word, matter had mutability and nature a
teleological order. He acknowledged that there can be no absolute
proof from science regarding God, and cautioned against tying faith
to transient theories. Nevertheless, the evidence was looking pretty
good: a religious concept of creation was “entirely compatible”
with the Big Bang. Science had “confirmed the contingency of the
universe…..Hence, creation took place in time. Therefore, there is
a Creator. Therefore God exists!”
Although it quickly
entered popular culture and became a household term, the Big Bang
theory still had only provisional acceptance in scientific circles
until the 1990s. To evaluate the precise fluctuations, or “wrinkles”
in the background radiation reported in 1965, NASA sent aloft the
Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE) satellite in 1989. The findings,
announced three years later, were an astounding endorsement of the
Big Bang, explaining why its apparently smooth beginning ended up in
a universe full of clumpy galaxies. The proof came none too soon,
said a relieved COBE mission leader George Smoot: “Very simply, the
discovery of the wrinkles salvaged Big Bang theory at a time when
detractors were attacking it in increasing numbers.”
When the Cambridge
astrophysicist Stephen Hawking arrived at the Vatican in 1981 to
address a session of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, he did not
question the Big Bang, but he may have felt he was taking on the
legacy of Pope Pius. Hawking unveiled his “no-boundary theory,:
which used quantum physics and “imaginary time” to say there was
no beginning to the universe. So long as the universe had a
beginning, we could suppose it had a creator,” Hawking has said
elsewhere. “But if the universe is really completely
self-contained, having no boundary or edge, it would have neither
beginning nor end. What place then for a creator?”
George Coyne, a Jesuit and director of the Vatican Observatory, said
Hawking embarked on his foray into theology with too little
philosophical training in the matter. He was mixing up the “nothings”
as used by physics and by theology. “He speaks of a quantum
nothing, but that is not nothing,” Coyne said, playing on words.
“It has nothing to do with the nothing of Scripture-that God
created the universe from nothing.” In sum, “the God he excludes
is not the God we believe in.”
and the Beginning
Even before the death
of the oscillating universe model, a fundamental reason was uncovered
for the failure of cosmological models that rejected the finite age
of the universe. In a series of papers appearing from 1966 to 1970,
three British astrophysicists, Stephen Hawking, George Ellis, and
Roger Penrose, extended the solution of the equations of general
relativity to include space and time. The result was called the
space-time theorem of general relativity. This theorem demonstrated
that if general relativity is valid for the universe then, under very
general conditions, space and time must have originated in the same
cosmic bang that brought matter and energy into existence.
In Hawking’s words,
time itself must have a beginning. Proof of the beginning of time may
rank as the most theologically significant theorem of all time,
assuming validity of the theory of general relativity.
This space-time theorem
tells us that the dimensions of length, width, height, and time have
existed only for as long as the universe has been expanding, less
than about twenty billion years. Time really does have a beginning.
By definition, time is
that dimension in which cause and effect phenomena take place. No
time, no cause and effect. If time’s beginning is concurrent with
the beginning of the universe, as the space-time theorem says, then
the cause of the universe must be some entity operating in a time
dimension completely independent of and preexistent to the time
dimension of the cosmos. This conclusion is powerfully important to
our understanding of who God is and who or what God isn’t. It tells
us that the Creator is transcendent, operating beyond the dimensional
limits of the universe. It tells us that God is not the universe
itself, nor is God contained within the universe. Pantheism and
atheism do not square with the facts.
Pantheism claims there
is no existence beyond the universe, that the universe is all there
is, and that the universe always has existed. Atheism claims that the
universe was not created and no entity exists independent of the
matter, energy, and space-time dimensions of the universe. But all
the data accumulated in the twentieth century tells us that a
transcendent Creator must exist, for all the matter, energy, length,
width, height, and even time suddenly and simultaneously came into
being from some source beyond itself.
It is valid to refer to
such a source, entity, or being as the Creator, for creating is
defined as causing something-in this case everything in the
universe-to come into existence. Matter, energy, space, and time are
the effects He caused. Likewise, it is valid to refer to the Creator
as transcendent, for the act of causing these effects must take place
outside or independent of them.
Not only does science
lead us to these conclusions, but so also does the Bible, and it is
the only holy book to do so.
~ Hugh Ross, PhD
~ Hugh Ross, PhD
Monday, June 2, 2014
Measuring a Group
This is a 100 yd group shot by Luke with some of his practice ammo. But this provides a good platform to show how to measure a group.
If you can't see it good click to enlarge. The red circles are .308" and the lines measure center to center. You take the furthest two in the spread and that is your group. In this case would be a 0.92" group. This was loaded in to CAD and scaled by the inch squares, so it is on the money. It is not to scale in the image, but in the CAD Program.
Luke, a little over a 1/2" group - 0.58"
Sunday, June 1, 2014
Dave Hodges - The common sense show purged
Update: Hodges is back, you can read about being threatened on his web page.
One theory
One thing Hodges has recently wrote about is a potential nuclear false flag in Chicago. That is why Obama sold his house there, and why Rahm Emmanuel decided to become mayor of Chicago. Hodges has written about this potential false flag in Chicago for a couple of years. Supposedly, Hodges had a source with this info, and this source ended up dead.
Now, I am not saying that there is a 100% chance of this false flag to occur. But I do find this information, along with Quayle's alert, as something to keep an eye on.
Pray for Dave Hodges and his family.
May 31, 2014
He was one of my go to guys in my daily reading. This is all I can find about it. Here is his face book page that is still up for now. His website had news articles and archives of his Sunday radio programs now all gone. It was his website, not through blogger or any other sites with terms of agreement but a purchased site licensed to him. He called a spade a spade and named names. I wish I could find out more about what is really going on.
If anyone has any further info I would appreciate it. Dave is really sharp with a mild manner Christian. His page with all his articles does not exist anymore - gone unlike what is in the video posted below.
![]() | The webpage cannot be found |
Most likely causes:
One theory
One thing Hodges has recently wrote about is a potential nuclear false flag in Chicago. That is why Obama sold his house there, and why Rahm Emmanuel decided to become mayor of Chicago. Hodges has written about this potential false flag in Chicago for a couple of years. Supposedly, Hodges had a source with this info, and this source ended up dead.
Now, I am not saying that there is a 100% chance of this false flag to occur. But I do find this information, along with Quayle's alert, as something to keep an eye on.
Pray for Dave Hodges and his family.
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