Saturday, September 27, 2014

Excellent VW commercial

A Hong Kong movie theater asks people to please leave their cell phones on during the movie as they enter to make this commercial.

Wide Awake NDE

I had what I am going to call a wide awake Near Death Experience. I know it sounds like an oxymoron but that is the best way to describe it. I didn't die, I was sick though, I never left my body that I know of. So let me get on with what happened.

I had turned off the TV and computer and was sitting in peace and quiet meditating about God. I was thinking about what he must be like. I knew I could never understand anything about God until I met him. But my curious mind was pondering him anyway. My thoughts got real abstract and not explainable with words. Something suddenly happened like a shock or jolt, it is hard to explain. It wasn't something you physically feel but like you just woke up from from sleep realizing you are in bed and the night is over. It was that kind of shock.

Time to get up so to speak you've been asleep. And I realized I had been asleep and now I was awake. What I saw was not what the next life looks like, but what this life looks like from the next life perspective. It was one of the strangest feelings. It wasn't fear or an all encompassing peace that people say the feel when they actually have a NDE. I wasn't in the presence of God or his angels or any light. It was still me sitting down where I was and seeing this life from a completely different perspective.

The first thing that hit me was that this life we live here was real but wasn't the real deal. I was seeing it from another place though I never left. The whole experience was like I was a time traveler gone back in time or I was a child of today who went back to the sixties. What do you mean no computers, internet, cell phones and only three stations on the TV? You have to get up and go switch the channel yourself?

What I saw was a world of limitations and I can't believe people actually live like this. I thought it was humorous that we had to hear with our ears, communicate with our mouths and we had to eat. It was like that is so ridiculous and very limiting. The thing that got me most was time. How we had to think things out in linear progression. That in thinking about something we had to have a start and move forward from point to point moving toward an eventual conclusion. Thinking was a process or method in time and was very limiting. Instead of just knowing we had to figure things out. That was the oddest feeling.

Anyway, just as suddenly as it came upon me it left me, and no matter how hard I tried I couldn't get it back. The thing that it left with me that can never be taken away and something I won't have to try to get back, because it is part of me now. That is the feeling that this isn't the real deal. I am not saying that none of this exists, quite the contrary indeed. What I was left with is this is all there is right now but it is nothing compared to what really is. I can see it but cannot touch it because it left me until the day I leave this place. It's like it is right there in front of me yet just out of my reach.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

The volume of murders and rapes of citizens by illegal aliens is staggering.

"In the first place, we should insist that, if the immigrant, who comes here in good faith, becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the person's becoming in every facet, an American, and nothing but an American...There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag... We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language... and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people."

President Theodore Roosevelt-1907

NCFIRE.INFO president James Johnson

Monday, September 15, 2014

Samsung SGR-A1 Robot Sentry

This sounds pretty cool and all, but either somebody is lying or got their facts wrong about the specifications. I think someone is lying (exagerating) to scare people about it capabilities which you can find here:


The problem is a 5.56 MM weapon will not only not kill someone at over 2 miles it won't even go that far unless you are shooting it off the top of pikes peak to the valley below. a .223 bullet will start to tumble at 600-800 yards and will fall flat within a mile and a half. If you pointed the barrel at 37 degree angle in the air it won't go 2 miles.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Self aware dog

I was remembering my dog this morning while watching a story about dolphins. They think dolphins are self aware. Well I know my dog was unless I misunderstand the term.

My dog loved his bath. as soon as I pulled the shower curtian back he would leap in with his tail wagging. I used my removable shower head to give him a bath with, and Johnsons baby shampoo to prevent eye burn. I had to close the door to the bathroom as soon as he jumped in the bath because if I didn't he would jump out upon completion and go sprinting down the stairs and sliding into things all over the living room wood floors with wet feet. So I kept him pinned in until I got through towel drying him.

As soon as he got out he went wild and wanted out in the back yard and would run circles around the yard for about 5 minutes. When I let him back in he would go in the downstairs master bath and stand in front of the full length mirror on the closet door and spin around slowly looking, checking himself out. He was checking his good looking clean self out. I thought that was the funniest damn thing and I sure miss that dog.

In all the 10 Years I had him I never once took video of this behavior and wish I would have. I have seen dogs bark at themselves in the mirror but he knew it was him and that is why I say he was self aware and a bit vain. Never saw him checking out his teeth though :)

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Dont' Touch other peoples new Iphone 6

Okay, so you don't own an Iphone 6 because you are not going to give Apple your fingerprint. You may be wrong, no, you are wrong. Here is what happens. Scenario: You are out with a friend and he just got his new Iphone 6. You explain to him how you don't want one because it can read your fingerprints and store them on a data base. Your friend blows you off calling you paranoid. Later that night at the bar your friend get's a funny email and wants to show it to you and hands you his phone.

Here is where everything goes wrong. You take his phone and running in the back ground is software that reads the fingerprints that touch the screen sensor. The Iphone does not recognize the fingerprint for his Iphone you just took and it immediate records the unknown fingerprint and takes a picture of the user (that would be you) as you are reading the email.

Now without your knowledge the Iphone just recorded your fingerprint and photo to go with it and you are none the wiser. Don't touch other peoples new Iphones. You just became a victim of his folly.

I hate 9/11 anniversaries

9/11 anniversaries suck. Every year it consumes the media, from news outlets to internet to television (just turn on the History channel). The reason I hate it is because the whole damn story about what happened is a lie. I can't tell you what exactly happened the the story they are giving us is bullshit. Secondly it reminds me of all the other lies that were piled on top of it like WMD's in Iraq that got us into unnecessary wars and they keep spreading based on the original lie. Thirdly the lie of they did it because they hate our freedoms while the government used that lie to systematically remove the freedoms we once enjoyed with the permission of most of the dumb butts that still believe the first lie. The government who claimed they hate our freedoms was the one that took them away not the terrorists. We no longer have a 4th or 5th amendment and one could argue that the whole of the Bill of Right's was shredded based on that lie.

One would think the American people would wake up to this, but they are either to emotionally invested in it or are suffering from so much cognitive dissonance they can't bring themselves to use logic and critical thinking to stop this runaway train rolling straight to the Hell that is a totalitarian police state. So screw 9/11 and the lying liars that bring it up every year and further inflame the ignorant populace. The American people have become cowards afraid of a bunch of camel riding Islamic, mostly retards, and gave up everything we fought and bled for. If you are afraid of the terrorists defined and not the government that defines them then you will soon become the one defined as the terrorist as it stands now. Stop being afraid become an American again. Demand your rights and tell anyone that brings up 9/11 as an excuse to shut up.

Monday, September 8, 2014

A Physicist’s View of the Afterlife:

NEWPORT BEACH, Calif.Dr. Alan Ross Hugenot has spent decades contemplating the conundrums of physics, along with the enigma of human consciousness.
Hugenot holds a doctorate of science in mechanical engineering, and has had a successful career in marine engineering, serving on committees that write the ship-building standards for the United States. He studied physics and mechanical engineering at the Oregon Institute of Technology. 

“I did things using Newtonian physics to create ships,” he said, “but the whole time, I knew better. There’s this whole other world that our five senses don’t register.” He gave a talk on the science of the afterlife at the International Association for Near-Death Studies (IANDS) 2014 Conference in Newport Beach, Calif., on Aug. 29.

Exploring the scientific theories related to this other world, Hugenot has wondered whether the consciousness of living human beings as well as the “souls” of the dead reside in dark matter or dark energy. He has pondered the implications of the power our consciousness seems to have over physical reality.
Hugenot told of a near-death experience in the 1970s during which he experienced part of this other world. He found it “more real than this place.”

 Who is living in the real world? The longtime deceased relative or you looking at his picture on the wall?

Friday, September 5, 2014

Christian Thought Experiment

I don't believe it will ever be possible to terraform Mars or travel to distance stars where there are habital planets. But this is a Christian thought experiment. We now concede that both of these things are possible and given a suffucient amout of time we can do it 100% for sure, let's say in the next 100 years (Remember thought experiment).

Now given this with the reading of the Bible front to back does it forbid that this could ever happen such as where is Christ going to return ect. I heard a preacher on TV saying that one day man would reach for the stars because God didn't put them there for us not to be able to explore (paraphrasing). Personally my reading of the Bible no matter the technological advances that men will never leave Earth in any permanent way to establish an alternate self sustaining civilization on another planet or moon.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Funerals, Dirges and Tombstones

On my way home from the doctor office today, my mother was being unusually quiet. I knew something was on her mind but I was enjoying the peace and quiet (I can't drive myself when on narcotic pain relievers). Suddenly she breaks her silence with this simple sentence "Shouldn't we be making plans?" Not for sure what she was talking about I said, "I can't answer such a generic question." I looked over at her and could see the wheels spinning. After what seemed like a very very long pause she said, "Your funeral."

I said well what's to plan, I want to be buried in our family plot and have a Catholic Mass that's just about the jist of it. She started in on a list of things saying "I need to know...", Music Tombstone eulogy ect. I told her other than the Mass the funeral is for the living, not the dead and since we are all Catholics a traditional Catholic funeral. The where's, whens and what's should be most convienent to you and the family.

The reason I am telling this is because it completely took by surprise and how many people ever expect to be going down the road and asked that question? It was a bit shocking and at the same time comforting. Mom had seemed to be in denial and now I see she is preparing herself. She said My brother was coming to see me next week as it is his birthday. I was telling her I will glad to see him and his family. She said, he is not bringing his family. I asked her why and she said she didn't know.

So I guess I'll wait and see what is on his mind. Today was definitely one of my weirder days.