Thursday, October 30, 2014

The last Outlaw

He was born in the summer of 1962 shortly before the Cuban Missile Crisis and 15 months before the assassination of JFK. He was born before the world changed and a time of clarity between good and evil and right and wrong all of which has been lost today. That was me.

I grew up in a patriotic United States when everything American was the best. From our values to our automobile. We made the best color TV's in the world. We all shot guns, carried in the window rack and hunted on the weekends. The culture was mostly one generation away from a rural people with little suburbs popping up around the big cities, communities of about 5,000 people. It was an interesting time to live.

Today in 2014 those things are long gone. As the old saying goes, you can't go home. Those were a better time I can assure you as I have lived both. I need not complain about today and the completely screwed up world we live in, because I don't have to suffer it much longer. The Lord will call this Outlaw home soon, as my health continues to deteriorate.

I am about through with the blog. It is hard to write when you are hallucinating. So if you do see another post here it is because I had a good day. But I am going say goodbye before I can't. Y’all been real good to me, thanks for all the prayers and well wishes. You probably see me now and again around Res and Vox's blog.


  1. My friend you are still in my thoughts and prayers. I check in daily to see if you posted.

    God bless you and yours.

  2. It's sad to see you go, but I appreciate you sharing what you could before you do.

    Many thanks.

  3. I have really enjoyed reading here...and I will keep you in my prayers.

    As the old song says: "'til we meet again..."

  4. Wish I had discovered this blog sooner. Thank you again for the taking the the time to answer my questions about abiotic oil. The more I read, the more I'm convinced you're right. My the Lord comfort you during this ordeal

  5. You are a fountain of earthly wisdom Outlaw. You are a voice that will truly be missed. I have enjoyed reading your comments over at VD's and Nate's. And I also miss your sparring with Bane.

    May God keep you close in your time of trials Outlaw X. Goodbye dear friend of the blogosphere.

  6. It has been a privilege to know you, Equus Pallidus. You can lay down your burden knowing that you ran the race and you fought the fight. I have always appreciated your support and you will always be one of the legendary figures of the Dread Ilk.

    On the day we hear of your death, I will repost your classic encounter with Michael Medved, so that the younger generation will know of whom it is we speak. You need not fear you will be forgotten.

    And give Bane our best when you see him.

    Go fearlessly, my friend.

  7. The coming dawn will be more than you, or any of us, can imagine.

  8. Outlaw, we love you and are praying for you. If you are to stay here, we pray for your comfort and clarity. If you are to go home, then we pray it be painless, and that you find yourself in the Presence of the Lord swiftly when He calls you. We also pray for your loved ones, whatever the case.

    If we don't see you again "here", then we look forward to seeing you "there".

  9. Outlaw,

    Though I only saw your comments at Vox's, I will miss you! As Vox said, go fearlessly! I'll be praying for you! May God welcome you with open arms when it is your time. Take care!

  10. We never talked much Outlaw and though we're very different men, over the years at Vox's, I learned to appreciate your comments and learn from them. For the rest of my life, I'll carry those lessons with me. Thank you for that. You'll be in my prayers.

  11. Thanks again everyone, like I said I'll pop in at Vox's place.. But I get to reading a post and a few sentences to a few paragraphs I wake up wondering what I was reading about and have to go back and look at the post title then start over. I am sure many of them never get read or remembered reading. I think it is getting hard to live with. Home hospice is being pushed by my doctors.

  12. Have no doubts that your contributions have been influential beyond what you might imagine. I'm a better man for having read your commentaries, Outlaw. Thanks.

  13. The dark clouds will be pulled back and you will enter into an eternal dawn with the Lord. Good Bless Outlaw X!

  14. Hospice sucks. When you need extra pain meds, they'll deny them. Common sense life saving measures will be withheld since they "just prolong the inevitable".

    Blunt talk, but time is short & I know you've got the strength & faith to take it for what it's worth.

    You are in my thoughts & prayers. Especially your mom. She's there too. I know she needs prayers badly.

    You are one of The Legendary Ilk. You will be remembered, your posts, tales, insights & points of view have all made an impact.

    You know Who you serve & where your eternity lay. I take peace in that.

    You and your kin are in my prayers. Godspeed!

  15. God speed Outlaw. You have influenced me over the years more than you have known (I was jimmyb back in the day you were EP - been a fan for years). You have my prayers for you and yours.

    I can only hope and pray one day I can have the grace and class you have shown.

    Until we meet again...

  16. I previously only knew you from your comments at Vox's. Today I have encountered your blog for the first time and I will make sure to dig deeper into it.

    I am truly impressed by the stance you express here. I hope that I may be as magnanimous as you are now, when I will be as close to death, which is a certainty for me and for everyone else. I also hope for a similar lucidity as yours, to realise it for what it is, and to be able to express it to my family, friends, opponents, contemporaries. This is by no means a certainty for any of us. In this, you are blessed above others.

    We will keep you in our thoughts, even across the pond from Texas to London. I still wish to read many comments of yours at Vox's.

    God bless you and your family.

  17. God bless you brother. You are in my prayers and I look forward to tracking you down in the father's house.

  18. Travel well, brother.

    Thoughts and prayers from the Dread Ilk.

  19. God bless you, outlaw. I will pray for His peace to rest upon you and for His Spirit to comfort you.

    May you find peace and rest in the eternal embrace of our loving Savior.

  20. Outlaw...


    I love you. I has been an honor and a privilege. You're a legend. Legends never die.

    God Bless. God's Speed.

    Your Friend


  21. Even though we only had passing remarks on Vox's site, they were memorable for their clarity of thought. Thank you for that small kindness, as they were encouraging for my own small contributions to the discussions.

    You and your family are in my prayers. As you have been faithful to Christ so He will be faithful in His promise to you. This is not goodbye, but see ya soon.

  22. God Bless, my friend. Soon enough you'll shed the pain of this kingdom and be clothed in the light of His. Hard for me to see that as something to be too sad about, but best wishes to you and your family to ease your transition.

  23. Never had a chance to really chat with you, but always took the time to read through your comments. One line of yours I remember - I forget the topic, but you'd said something like: "Maybe I don't know... or maybe I do know better than most since I'm not in the middle of it..." Which seemed to me something straight out of a Dostoyevsky novel, one of his great and sagacious characters come to life!

    Here's to hoping we get our Father Zossima back to talk with us on VP soon. Cheers, sir.

  24. God speed, brother. Born in '65, I know exactly how you feel about the things that are long gone. Wish I'd had a chance to have a drink and talk physics and math with you in this life. The next, I'll be looking you up sometime.

  25. God bless you friend! I'm in the same age bracket and yes, we just managed to glimpse that world before the curtain went down forever. God speed to you. This is too soon. Lord have mercy.

  26. Lord Jesus, receive our friend and brother into your glory.

    Dominus vobiscum Equus Pallidus.

  27. Go in peace sir, and may the good Lord welcome you home. The Ilk salute you

  28. God bless and keep you. Be at peace.

  29. May the grace of God be with you as you journey. Another salute from one of the Ilk.

  30. I'm truly sorry to hear about your health. I'll remember you in my prayers.

  31. Lord Yahweh Almighty we ask that you heal Outlaw from the top of his head to the souls of his feet. However, your will be done. And if it is your will that he go home..may it be peaceful. The death of the Saints are precious in His sight.

    God bless and keep you brother. Be at peace. Yeshua has won.

  32. 1 Thessalonians 4:14

    "For we believe that Jesus died and rose again, and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in him."

  33. God Bless you, Outlaw X. You are in our prayers.
    Redlegben and Sarah's Daughter

  34. Whatever your fate may be, I wish that your soul remains in peace. Good luck.....

  35. Many are the souls that are praying for you, Outlaw. If this is the time, may the Lord bring you swiftly into His Heavenly Kingdom, where there is neither pain nor death nor sorrow but only joy and life and love forevermore.

    God bless you

  36. I know I'm not a long time regular over at Vox's, but in either case, loved seeing you there. Hope we hear more from you, and in either case - thanks.God Bless

  37. Hang tough Brother, praying for you. Always enjoyed reading what you had to share on VP. I Remember you as Equus Pallidus from the early Haloscan days. Made some dumb comments at you back then. Sorry if I gave offense and hope you will forgive- I have enough to answer for as is.
    May God Bless you and give you strength.
    You are loved.

  38. Outlaw, I woke this morning thinking of you, wondering what I can do for you. Do you have any requests? A prayer topic, anything on you heart or mind?

  39. Outlaw, I'll be praying for you. You will be missed, brother.

  40. I made a point of paying attention to your comments over at Vox Populi. Sorry to see you go. God Bless.


  41. Hey! Outlaw X! Do you need anything (other than prayer)?
