Friday, November 28, 2014

Black Friday Now More Popular Than Thanksgiving

Black Friday is more popular than Thanksgiving, according to Twitter, highlighting America’s trend away from family life and toward Idiocracy-style consumerism.
Black Friday, the day after Thanksgiving considered the first day of the Christmas shopping season, was mentioned nearly 25% more often than Thanksgiving at their peaks on Twitter, 77,400 times vs. 59,100, social media analytics revealed.

Screenshot of showing how often the hashtag #BlackFriday was used on 11/28.

 Screenshot of showing how often the hashtag #Thanksgiving was used on 11/27.

And not only has Black Friday taken over Thanksgiving on social media, but it’s also slowly starting to take over the holiday itself; more businesses are opening on Thanksgiving Day for Black Friday shoppers, forcing retail workers to spend the holiday not with their families but with violent mobs chasing illusionary deals.

The “deals” are so misleading, however, that retailers are in fact making more money during the holiday period.

It works like this: in the weeks and even months before Black Friday, retailers artificially raise the price of goods above normal to make Black Friday specials look spectacular in comparison.
Even if shoppers were to score a killer deal on a single product, they usually buy it alongside something else with a 98% markup, ensuring that the retailers, not the shoppers, win at the end.
And the shoppers are completely unaware of all this while they punch, kick, and trample each other for the latest electronic slave goods.

Simply put, Black Friday is a hoax and it’s synonymous with how the New World Order works: the top profits off the public fighting amongst themselves.

Meanwhile in China, workers slave away at factories owned by Foxconn and others to keep up with America’s demand for consumer goods, often performing the same monotonous task over and over again for 15 hours straight while earning less than $2.00 an hour.
These workers can’t even afford an Apple iPad with two months of pay and they have to share an on-site dorm room with seven other people.

But even if the workers quit, there’s thousands willing to take their place because the competition for jobs in China is so high.

“The employees always say the people outside want a job,” one worker told Cnet, “and the people inside want to quit.”

These conditions combined caused many of the workers to jump to their deaths from the rooftops of the factories, prompting management to install “suicide nets” around the facilities.

“Some saw the Foxconn suicides as a damning consequence of our global hunger for low-cost electronics,” Joel Johnson of Wired wrote. “Reports from inside the factories warned of ‘sweatshop’ conditions; old allegations of forced overtime burbled back to life.


I am sure we have all seen the the empty headed people with empty lives fighting and stealing from others baskets by now. the one fellow below with the Long shirt really pissed me off, as well as the fat air headed blonde that thought it was funny.. Have we no shame? He should have been home With his dysfunctional family on Thanksgiving.


  1. Yes, it's ridiculous...

    "Friendsgiving". "Turkey Day"

    Just another way to deny and remove religion from everything.

    (Good to see you posting.)

  2. Good post Outlaw X. Have a great and blessed coming year Outlaw X, how ever much of it that the Lord allows us to be blessed with your company.

    Sisterly love, prayers and God's blessing on you Outlaw X.
