Friday, December 5, 2014
Friday, November 28, 2014
Black Friday Now More Popular Than Thanksgiving
Black Friday is more popular than Thanksgiving, according to Twitter, highlighting America’s trend away from family life and toward Idiocracy-style consumerism.
Black Friday, the day after Thanksgiving considered the first day of the Christmas shopping season, was mentioned nearly 25% more often than Thanksgiving at their peaks on Twitter, 77,400 times vs. 59,100, social media analytics revealed.Screenshot of showing how often the hashtag #BlackFriday was used on 11/28.
Screenshot of showing how often the hashtag #Thanksgiving was used on 11/27.
And not only has Black Friday taken over Thanksgiving on social media, but it’s also slowly starting to take over the holiday itself; more businesses are opening on Thanksgiving Day for Black Friday shoppers, forcing retail workers to spend the holiday not with their families but with violent mobs chasing illusionary deals.
The “deals” are so misleading, however, that retailers are in fact making more money during the holiday period.
It works like this: in the weeks and even months before Black Friday, retailers artificially raise the price of goods above normal to make Black Friday specials look spectacular in comparison.
Even if shoppers were to score a killer deal on a single product, they usually buy it alongside something else with a 98% markup, ensuring that the retailers, not the shoppers, win at the end.
And the shoppers are completely unaware of all this while they punch, kick, and trample each other for the latest electronic slave goods.
Simply put, Black Friday is a hoax and it’s synonymous with how the New World Order works: the top profits off the public fighting amongst themselves.
Meanwhile in China, workers slave away at factories owned by Foxconn and others to keep up with America’s demand for consumer goods, often performing the same monotonous task over and over again for 15 hours straight while earning less than $2.00 an hour.
These workers can’t even afford an Apple iPad with two months of pay and they have to share an on-site dorm room with seven other people.
But even if the workers quit, there’s thousands willing to take their place because the competition for jobs in China is so high.
“The employees always say the people outside want a job,” one worker told Cnet, “and the people inside want to quit.”
These conditions combined caused many of the workers to jump to their deaths from the rooftops of the factories, prompting management to install “suicide nets” around the facilities.
“Some saw the Foxconn suicides as a damning consequence of our global hunger for low-cost electronics,” Joel Johnson of Wired wrote. “Reports from inside the factories warned of ‘sweatshop’ conditions; old allegations of forced overtime burbled back to life.
I am sure we have all seen the the empty headed people with empty lives fighting and stealing from others baskets by now. the one fellow below with the Long shirt really pissed me off, as well as the fat air headed blonde that thought it was funny.. Have we no shame? He should have been home With his dysfunctional family on Thanksgiving.
Thursday, November 27, 2014
First RCC Mass in North America
It's more complex than you think.
There are dozens of candidates.
The first documented one was at Saint Augustine, Florida, on September 8, 1565. No one denies that. There was a liturgy of thanksgiving (including a meal with the local Timacuan Indians, half a century before Plymouth Rock!). This was at the behest of explorer Pedro Menéndez de Avilés and the Mass was celebrated by Father Francisco López de Mendoza Grajales.
A shrine dedicated to Mary -- the first known one dedicated to her in the U.S. -- stands near the site of the liturgy (along with the tallest known Cross, right there on an inlet of the Atlantic).
Just had a blood transfusion.yesterday. Feeling better today for a post. You wouldn't believe how poor you feel with a 7.0 RBC. Thank you blood donors. Man they put a lot of blood in me.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Just had a blood transfusion.yesterday. Feeling better today for a post. You wouldn't believe how poor you feel with a 7.0 RBC. Thank you blood donors. Man they put a lot of blood in me.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Sunday, November 16, 2014
Thursday, October 30, 2014
The last Outlaw
He was born in the
summer of 1962 shortly before the Cuban Missile Crisis and 15 months
before the assassination of JFK. He was born before the world changed
and a time of clarity between good and evil and right and wrong all
of which has been lost today. That was me.
I grew up in a
patriotic United States when everything American was the best. From
our values to our automobile. We made the best color TV's in the
world. We all shot guns, carried in the window rack and hunted on the
weekends. The culture was mostly one generation away from a rural
people with little suburbs popping up around the big cities,
communities of about 5,000 people. It was an interesting time to
Today in 2014 those
things are long gone. As the old saying goes, you can't go home.
Those were a better time I can assure you as I have lived both. I
need not complain about today and the completely screwed up world we
live in, because I don't have to suffer it much longer. The Lord will
call this Outlaw home soon, as my health continues to deteriorate.
I am about through
with the blog. It is hard to write when you are hallucinating. So if
you do see another post here it is because I had a good day. But I am
going say goodbye before I can't. Y’all been real good to me,
thanks for all the prayers and well wishes. You probably see me now
and again around Res and Vox's blog.
Thursday, October 23, 2014
Lying about Ebola
Exclusive: Patients being "disappeared" to prevent panic
I suspected as much, I also think it has gone airborn. My advice is to avoid public places where large crowds gather. Don't fly or take public transportation if possible. It's a cover up.
Saturday, October 18, 2014
Conspiracy Saturday – What color is your card?
Ebola is the talk of
the news. People are wondering why the CDC, hospitals and government
seems so incompetent? They are not incompetent this is all
purposeful. Conspiracy theorist talk of the red list, blue list and
green list. They conspiracy theorists are usually right, but may be
wrong about some parts of the conspiracy. Today I am going to tell
you that they were right about the list but wrong about its
implementation. The red list according to the conspiracy were to be
eliminated, the blue list were to be put in camps and the green list
were to be pretty much left alone. Better hope you are not on the red
or blue list they say.
President Barack
Obama signed the NDAA on October 28, 2009. As a bill it was H.R. 2647
in the 111th Congress. This law allows for the indefinite detention
of American citizens without charges. Now bring in Ebola.
This Administration
refuses to stop travel to and from countries with known ebola
epidemics. What we are seeing is the purposeful infection of the
American people in order to bring on martial law. If there plans are
achieved and the people panic the government will be happy to provide
them with a solution. I am here on this Conspiracy Saturday to tell
you the solution.
Before I do, I want
Tea Party people, Christians and gun owners to remember how this
administration used the IRS against them in the 2012 elections. We
know who this administration considers its enemy. God fearing, gun
loving, Constitutional patriots. See where this is headed? Now I am
going to approximate how this will go down when and if ebola becomes
a serious threat.
Everyone will get
what I will call a quarantine card. Under the guise of keeping us
safe and by using NSA meta data they will issue each citizen a card
depending on where you have been at what times to evaluate your risk.
They will do what they will call a risk analysis or something
similar. Of course it won't really be just base on ebola, but also on
political, religious and social belief systems as well.
The information
contained on that card will be SS#, Picture ID, Date(s) of possible
infections. These cards will be required to be on person at all
times. As example. Those with Red cards are to be confined to a
concentration camp style isolation from society because they will say
flight risk. Those with Blue cards will be required to self
quarantine at home. Those with Green card are free to travel and go
about business as usual. If you are caught out and about with a Blue
card you will be immediately processed into a camp and re-issued a
Red card and will now be under armed guard and barbed wire.
I think we know what
the eventual plans are for those with Red cards, and you can bet the
living conditions will guarantee disease. Blue card holders as well
as Green card holders will be required to take vaccination and those
who refuse get a Red card.
Dare to prepare. - Conspiracy
Saturday out.
Update: I use Silver Biotics as part of my cancer treatment. It is the best anti viral silver out there. I ordered two 32 oz bottles knowing it was going to be hard to get or high priced. Well yesterday when I ordered they were $43.69 from Vitacost and two bottles delivered were $87.38, that's higher than I had been paying.
This morning I got an email saying it was cancelled. I checked the reason for cancellation and it said I requested cancellation. I did no such thing. Today the cost of the 32 oz bottle is now $54.99 for a total $109.98. They lied and said I cancelled it and raised their price by over 10 dollars a bottle. Luckily I got a 60 day supply setting in the pantry. They are already gouging as people have figured out this is the best. I probably won't be able to get any more because I am not paying that price for an experimental cancer treatment, I don't even know it is helping for sure. Pisses me off.
Update: I use Silver Biotics as part of my cancer treatment. It is the best anti viral silver out there. I ordered two 32 oz bottles knowing it was going to be hard to get or high priced. Well yesterday when I ordered they were $43.69 from Vitacost and two bottles delivered were $87.38, that's higher than I had been paying.
This morning I got an email saying it was cancelled. I checked the reason for cancellation and it said I requested cancellation. I did no such thing. Today the cost of the 32 oz bottle is now $54.99 for a total $109.98. They lied and said I cancelled it and raised their price by over 10 dollars a bottle. Luckily I got a 60 day supply setting in the pantry. They are already gouging as people have figured out this is the best. I probably won't be able to get any more because I am not paying that price for an experimental cancer treatment, I don't even know it is helping for sure. Pisses me off.
Thursday, October 16, 2014
The world some of us grew up in is changing
- In the spring of 1868, Tommy Waggoner, age 16, had a job to do. His
father, a widower, needed him to drive 5,000 ill-tempered steers from
the family ranch in Northwest Texas to Kansas City. To equip his son for
the arduous, invariably dangerous trek, Dan Waggoner provided a team of
drovers, 50 saddle-sore horses and $12.
completed, young Waggoner came home with $55,000 in his saddle bag,
seed money for one of the state's great ranching empires. A full-fledged
partner with his dad at 17, the young rancher would amass in the coming
decades more than 510,000 acres, making the W.T. Waggoner Ranch the
largest spread behind one fence in the United States.
days, Waggoner Ranch manager Weldon Hawley has a herd of cows up north,
as well. Because of the lingering drought punishing Texas, they're
grazing on grassland on the Standing Rock Reservation in South Dakota -
great ranching country with plenty of water, Hawley says.
"extreme" bleeding into "exceptional" on the Texas Water Development
Board's latest color-coded drought report, the state's cattle-ranching
future is hazy, even if the sky isn't - about as hazy, in fact, as the
fate of the Waggoner Ranch. For the first time in its storied history,
the giant spread is on the market and could be broken up - into smaller
ranches, suburban ranchettes, subdivisions, who knows what.
$725 million pricetag
asking price is $725 million. In addition to 510,527 acres spread over
six counties, the buyer will get 42 percent of the mineral rights, all
the livestock and rolling inventory, two magnificent ranch homes and the
architecturally notable W.T. Waggoner Estate office building in
downtown Vernon. It's offered "as a turn-key sale on an as-is, where-is
basis," the marketing brochure explains.
not the drought that compels the current owners to sell the ranch. It's
a years-long family dispute among the heirs of Tom Waggoner. One side
has wanted to sell the ranch and divide the assets; the other has
insisted on leaving the ranch intact but dividing it up equally. They've
been at loggerheads for years.
unusual about that, said Kerry Cornelius, who directs the ranch
management program at Texas Christian University. "Families not being
able to get along is the No. 1 reason for land fragmentation," he told
me last week, citing a Texas A&M study to that effect.
'It's the romance of it'
few days ago I went on a quick tour of the ranch with longtime Lubbock
broker Sam Middleton, who's handling the sale with Dallas-based broker
Bernie Uechtritz of Briggs Freeman Sotheby's International Realty.
Riding along on gravel roads under a big, blue sky, I had trouble
grasping the size of the place. Spanning nearly 800 square miles,
approximately 30 miles east to west and about that distance north to
south, the ranch is three-quarters the size of Rhode Island.
wouldn't be buying it for the beauty," Middleton said as we looked out
over miles of mostly flat terrain and red dirt studded with prickly pear
and the ubiquitous mesquite. "It's the romance of it, that and the
long-term appreciation."
still a cattle operation, with anywhere from 14,000 cows, calves and
bulls in years past to about 7,500 now, but horses also are a big
business, with almost 500 head in its current inventory. Income streams
also include farming (30,000 acres under cultivation), about 1,100
producing oil wells and several recreational lakes, including one that
provides water for the city of Wichita Falls.
ranch employs about 120 people, including cowboys who live with their
families in tidy native-stone houses in line camps on the ranch. Some
are second-, third-, even fourth-generation hands. According to Hawley, a
few of the cowboys have been with the ranch more than 50 years.
ranch had its beginnings in the mid-1840s when Tennessee native Dan
Waggoner and a 15-year-old black slave brought 242 Longhorn cattle and
six horses to Wise County, near Decatur. In the 1880s, the elder
Waggoner and his son began acquiring land farther north, thousands of
acres just below the Red River.
"Tom" Waggoner continued to expand the operation after his father died
in 1902. In 1931, he built Arlington Downs Racetrack in Arlington - now
the site of Six Flags Over Texas - and continued to make a name for
himself as a breeder of champion quarter horses. The ranch's most famous
was Poco Bueno, foaled in 1944 and the first quarter horse ever to be
insured for $100,000. The bloodline of the magnificent coal-black animal
is still prevalent in the quarter-horse world today.
Middleton took me by Poco Bueno's grave and marker near the main ranch entrance. The horse was buried standing up.
A buyer's concerns
family dispute simmered for years before bubbling into the open in 1991
when Tom Waggoner's granddaughter, Electra Waggoner Biggs, filed a
lawsuit seeking the liquidation of the family estate. Biggs, a noted
sculptor and socialite who bequeathed her name to the Buick Electra,
died in 2001. When a district judge ruled in favor of liquidation two
years later, one of the estate's primary stakeholders, A.B. "Bucky"
Wharton III, appealed.
King of Fort Davis knows a bit about big Texas ranches. A member of the
King Ranch family, he sells ranches in the Big Bend area. The Waggoner
Ranch sale, he said "is a phenomenon - its heritage, its size, the
dollars they're asking."
potential buyers are likely to have some concerns, he added. "The
minerals, they're unproven. They're trying to sell the upside. Plus,
there's no groundwater. That's a scary thing these days. Also, think
about what you could do with $725 million in some place like Wyoming.
Why would you want to be in North Texas? But, we have a saying in this
business: 'There's a spot for every chair.' "
broker Uechtritz hopes to find an owner who "will keep the ranch just
as it is, protecting, enhancing and preserving it for another 165 years
or perhaps forever. "This really is the last of the True West," he said.
Ranching 'good life'
says he's optimistic they'll find that kind of buyer. "Personally, I
hope the buyer is a Texas oilman who'll take it and try to develop more
oil production, keep it as a ranch, keep it intact and keep all the
manager Hawley could live with that. At 63, the soft-spoken Vietnam vet
has been a cowboy for most of his adult life. He gets up at 4 every
morning, he told me, and has his coffee when the world is quiet and
peaceful. About 5, he'll amble down to the cook shack and have breakfast
with his ranch hands as they discuss the day's assignments. In the late
afternoon he'll spend a couple of hours working his horses. "It's just a
good life," he said in his easy-going Texas drawl.
knows that the good life could be coming to an end, but he hopes not.
"What we're hoping and praying for is that the ranch'll stay together,"
he said last week. A large map of the still-intact spread lay atop his
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
Have you ever had a hallucination for real?
I am having them today. I was sitting here watching TV and some chick just came up and handed me something. When I reached out to take it she disappeared. That's about the fourth one this morning. It is a strange feeling to say the least. Why would I reach out to take something from someone I don't know that isn't supposed to be in my house in the first place? I am wondering if cancer has gotten to my brain or if blood loss through urine could cause this?
I am going for a short walk get the blood pumping.
I am going for a short walk get the blood pumping.
Now another one - Ebola
Obama gets another person sick with his open borders policy.
DALLAS (AP) — A second health care worker at a Dallas hospital who provided care for the first Ebola patient diagnosed in the U.S. has tested positive for the disease, the Texas Department of State Health Services said Wednesday.
Obama is doing real damage to this country and if this thing gets loose all hell will break out. There will be no more healthcare because no nurses are going to show up for work, or not enough. This effects everyone. Even if you quarantine yourself stocked up on vittles and beer, if you get sick, no one is going to be there to help you. I can't believe they are blaming the hospital when the blame lays squarely in DC. Call your congressman and tell them to shut down all borders right now. If they don't this will never be contained.
They sit there on TV telling us they are doing everything possible to contain this situation. Person by person, moment by moment, detail by detail they say. No, they are doing everything but what needs to be done. SHUT THE DAMN BORDERS DOWN. You may be thinking that I am over reacting, I am not. If you do think I am, it's due to your apathy, and apathy will get us killed with this disease.
Exponential Growth
DALLAS (AP) — A second health care worker at a Dallas hospital who provided care for the first Ebola patient diagnosed in the U.S. has tested positive for the disease, the Texas Department of State Health Services said Wednesday.
Obama is doing real damage to this country and if this thing gets loose all hell will break out. There will be no more healthcare because no nurses are going to show up for work, or not enough. This effects everyone. Even if you quarantine yourself stocked up on vittles and beer, if you get sick, no one is going to be there to help you. I can't believe they are blaming the hospital when the blame lays squarely in DC. Call your congressman and tell them to shut down all borders right now. If they don't this will never be contained.
They sit there on TV telling us they are doing everything possible to contain this situation. Person by person, moment by moment, detail by detail they say. No, they are doing everything but what needs to be done. SHUT THE DAMN BORDERS DOWN. You may be thinking that I am over reacting, I am not. If you do think I am, it's due to your apathy, and apathy will get us killed with this disease.
Exponential Growth
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
Obama, why do you hate America?
Infected Dallas nurse ID'd; gets transfusion
Frieden said investigators have yet to determine how Pham was infected. He stood by the protocols — including the use of masks, gloves and other equipment — saying they have proven safe for health care workers for decades...
World Health Organization Director-General Margaret Chan said, the outbreak is disrupting economies and societies around the world. She said 90% of economic costs of any outbreak "come from irrational and disorganized efforts of the public to avoid infection."
Adequately educating the public should allow governments to curb those disruptions, Chan said. Fear, she said, spreads faster than any virus.
Look, you idiot, the irrational and disorganized efforts" are coming from this administration and you, not the people. How can you expect the public to believe a word you say when you all just said, investigators have yet to determine how Pham was infected. He stood by the protocol...
How is "Adequately educating the public" going to curb disruptions when you don't even know how to keep health workers from contracting the disease? Might as well put a bunch of monkeys in charge at the CDC than y'all. You have already sickend one person by allowing a level IV contagion to be treated in a public hospital. The workers should have had Duncan offsite, underground and the workers should have been wearing positive pressure suits. You violated your on protocols and you call the public at fault?
This administation is reponsible for every single death (let's hope there is none) because you are allowing passage of a people in an epidemic to the US carrying a level IV contagion.
Obama, why do you hate America?
Frieden said investigators have yet to determine how Pham was infected. He stood by the protocols — including the use of masks, gloves and other equipment — saying they have proven safe for health care workers for decades...
World Health Organization Director-General Margaret Chan said, the outbreak is disrupting economies and societies around the world. She said 90% of economic costs of any outbreak "come from irrational and disorganized efforts of the public to avoid infection."
Adequately educating the public should allow governments to curb those disruptions, Chan said. Fear, she said, spreads faster than any virus.
Look, you idiot, the irrational and disorganized efforts" are coming from this administration and you, not the people. How can you expect the public to believe a word you say when you all just said, investigators have yet to determine how Pham was infected. He stood by the protocol...
How is "Adequately educating the public" going to curb disruptions when you don't even know how to keep health workers from contracting the disease? Might as well put a bunch of monkeys in charge at the CDC than y'all. You have already sickend one person by allowing a level IV contagion to be treated in a public hospital. The workers should have had Duncan offsite, underground and the workers should have been wearing positive pressure suits. You violated your on protocols and you call the public at fault?
This administation is reponsible for every single death (let's hope there is none) because you are allowing passage of a people in an epidemic to the US carrying a level IV contagion.
Obama, why do you hate America?
Liar, Liar pants on fire.
Obama briefed on Dallas Ebola case; saw “extremely low” chance virus would reach US
That was then
U.S. and local health officials want to set up dedicated hospitals in each state for Ebola patients, part of a new emphasis on safety for health-care workers after a nurse caring for an infected patient in Dallas tested positive for the virus.
This is now
Nobody believes you any more Mr. President. You lie all the time.
1) If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor
2) If you like your insurance plan, you can keep your insurance plan.
3) I am not going to try and take your guns away.
4) I will close Guantonamo.
5) Susan Rice stated on network television Sunday that the US has reached agreement with Turkey that would allow the US to use Turkey soil for supply purposes which Turkey quickly denied
6) Susan Rice also stated the Benghazi uprising was due to a video
7) Obama said this would be the most transparent administration in history. Instaed it is the most secretive administration ever. Even more than Nixon.
8) All bills will be posted on the internet for at least 72 hour period of time so the public can re view them. (Instead, congress doesn't even get to read them)
9) IRS lost all their email due to computer crashes upon subpoena by the US Congress.
10) “If we have not gotten our troops out [of Iraq] by the time I am president, it is the first thing I will do.” Didn’t happen.
11) “Today I’m pledging to cut the deficit in half by the end of my first term in office.” Instead, the national debt increased $5 trillion on his watch.
12) “We agree on reforms that will reduce the costs of health care. Families will save on their premiums.”
Help me come up with lies, and I will update this. Let's see how long we can make the list. Some meds got my thinking and memory messed up. I know there are a bunch more, but can't think of them. List them in the comments.
That was then
U.S. and local health officials want to set up dedicated hospitals in each state for Ebola patients, part of a new emphasis on safety for health-care workers after a nurse caring for an infected patient in Dallas tested positive for the virus.
This is now
Nobody believes you any more Mr. President. You lie all the time.
1) If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor
2) If you like your insurance plan, you can keep your insurance plan.
3) I am not going to try and take your guns away.
4) I will close Guantonamo.
5) Susan Rice stated on network television Sunday that the US has reached agreement with Turkey that would allow the US to use Turkey soil for supply purposes which Turkey quickly denied
6) Susan Rice also stated the Benghazi uprising was due to a video
7) Obama said this would be the most transparent administration in history. Instaed it is the most secretive administration ever. Even more than Nixon.
8) All bills will be posted on the internet for at least 72 hour period of time so the public can re view them. (Instead, congress doesn't even get to read them)
9) IRS lost all their email due to computer crashes upon subpoena by the US Congress.
10) “If we have not gotten our troops out [of Iraq] by the time I am president, it is the first thing I will do.” Didn’t happen.
11) “Today I’m pledging to cut the deficit in half by the end of my first term in office.” Instead, the national debt increased $5 trillion on his watch.
12) “We agree on reforms that will reduce the costs of health care. Families will save on their premiums.”
13) “We’ve got shovel-ready projects all across the country.” Later, Obama
admitted his own lie, saying, “There’s no such thing as shovel-ready
14) We reject the use of national security … to spy on citizens who are not suspected of a crime.”
15) We “will ensure that federal contracts over $25,000 are competitively bid.”
16) We “will eliminate all income taxation of seniors making less than $50,000 per year.”
17) “We are going to work with you to lower your [health care] premiums by
$2,500,” and we’ll “do it by the end of my first term as president.
18)“I don’t take a dime of their [lobbyists’] money, and when I am
president, they won’t find a job in my White House.” In fact, Obama
granted waivers at will, and more than a dozen lobbyists got jobs in the
Obama administration.
Saturday, October 11, 2014
Conspiracy Saturday - Ebola
I'm starting something new and different. It is called conspiracy Saturday. Now this doesn't mean that the conspiracies are either true or not, just conspiracies. They will range from the serious to the ridiculous. From the scary to the fumy. I will always try to pick something interesting. Since Ebola is front and center this week conspiracy is on Obola, give it a listen. Anyway this is my first Conspiracy Saturday.
Hawk With Greg Evensen - Now Is The Time To Prepare
Thursday, October 9, 2014
If your urine looks like this
You Just might have cancer.
First time it happened it scared the crap out of me. All it is is the cancer tumor is out growing its blood supply and part of it dies and falls off. It opens a wound and blood and blood clots fall into your bladder. This usually means very aggressive and it is called tumor necrosis. Well I say the only good cancer is dead cancer. This lasts for about two days, then it will clear up for about 4 or 5 days and repeat. I am used to it.
I show you this for a reason. They say you should have a colonoscopy when you turn 50. I was 49 and started crapping blood off and on and thought it was hemorrhoids. I awoke from the coloscopy figuring the doctor would say he took care of that hemorrhoid, but instead I heard you got cancer, that was 2011 and my life hasn't been the same since.
What I want to tell you is don't put off the colonoscopy at 50 because if they catch it as a polyp they just snip and weld. and come back in 6 months and see if it came back and if yes minor surgery is all. But if you like radiation, chemo and major surgery put it off.
It is completely painless. They wheel you in a room and you look up at the nurse at one point and say when do we start and she says we are through. The only bad part is the prep the day before. Just plan on staying in the bathroom all afternoon (find a book) and the major anal irritation that massive diarrhea causes. Other than that nothing to it, don't end up like me even though mine was six months short of my 50th it was pretty close. So get it done at 50 or at the first sign of blood.
A bit of Trivia: Did you know there are no nerve endings in the inner lining of your large intestine. The weirdest feeling was when I could feel the pull of the alligator mouth pulling inside while it was ripping out a biopsy after radiation and chemo. I did that part without anesthesia.
First time it happened it scared the crap out of me. All it is is the cancer tumor is out growing its blood supply and part of it dies and falls off. It opens a wound and blood and blood clots fall into your bladder. This usually means very aggressive and it is called tumor necrosis. Well I say the only good cancer is dead cancer. This lasts for about two days, then it will clear up for about 4 or 5 days and repeat. I am used to it.
I show you this for a reason. They say you should have a colonoscopy when you turn 50. I was 49 and started crapping blood off and on and thought it was hemorrhoids. I awoke from the coloscopy figuring the doctor would say he took care of that hemorrhoid, but instead I heard you got cancer, that was 2011 and my life hasn't been the same since.
What I want to tell you is don't put off the colonoscopy at 50 because if they catch it as a polyp they just snip and weld. and come back in 6 months and see if it came back and if yes minor surgery is all. But if you like radiation, chemo and major surgery put it off.
It is completely painless. They wheel you in a room and you look up at the nurse at one point and say when do we start and she says we are through. The only bad part is the prep the day before. Just plan on staying in the bathroom all afternoon (find a book) and the major anal irritation that massive diarrhea causes. Other than that nothing to it, don't end up like me even though mine was six months short of my 50th it was pretty close. So get it done at 50 or at the first sign of blood.
A bit of Trivia: Did you know there are no nerve endings in the inner lining of your large intestine. The weirdest feeling was when I could feel the pull of the alligator mouth pulling inside while it was ripping out a biopsy after radiation and chemo. I did that part without anesthesia.
Monday, October 6, 2014
Waiting too late can be deadly
Today at one
Albertsons in Fort Worth The whole bottled water row looked like an
empty warehouse. That's right people have already bought up the
bottled water and Nitrile/Latex gloves are gone. I guess because
Dallas is so close. But more importantly what does this tell us. Does
it say that people are paranoid right wing survivalist kooks? Are
people panic ridden fools? No it tells us two things.
1) people are
already too late even before anything happens. Just realizing it now
that you should have a stock pile of bottled water means you haven't
been thinking and preparing. Now I assume since they were COMPLETELY
out of water that some one didn't get any, at least there. It does no
good to watch then just get in under the wire, because already out.
You should always have a stock that is rotated and replenished
regularly. Have a minimum in your mind and when you reach it go buy
some more, or buy a little every time you go to the store.
2) The second thing
it tells us is the scariest thing. It tells us future actions of
the present population. That action is people are planning on self
quarantine. People are planning on staying home, not going to work or
school when and if Ebola. This tells us about our own communities
future. It tells us that if Ebola the inner city will be in flames as
just in time delivery disappears because no one or not enough are
going to work to maintain it. Which means that they have no place to
go but the suburbs, which means blood and death. It tells us ugliness
of sort not seen is now a reality that the "kooks" warned
of is one pandemic away.
We know the future
possibilities, are you prepared?
One night the rain
started falling
And the clouds began
to rise
The wind whistled
through the gables
To take us on a magic
The sound of thunder
broke the silence
A bolt of lightning
cut the night
The powers of
heaven came calling
To take us on a
magic ride.
I never saw it
Heard the roar and I
felt the rumbling
To take us on a
magic ride
Then it left us
there in silence
To pick up the
pieces of our lives
Never want to hear
another coming
To take us on a
magic ride
I never saw it
Heard the roar and I
felt the rumbling
It took us on a
magic ride.
Sunday, October 5, 2014
I'm back and with a vengence
The medical system is playing games and I don't like it. I understand why my GP sent me to the ER and they put mein the hospital under observation. But the rest ends there. I have insurance and while I am under observation and not technically admitted I pay 15 % of everything they do otherwise I pay $250 after I've met my decutable and that's it. Well since I have been in thehospital twice in the last two months, one of which included monor surgery I learned their game. My insurance pays well and they do everything possible to keep me there as looooong as they ca. You see I am paying for all the people that don't and they hold me hostage. The Doctor was not going to release me and I had to stay another night because he couldn't get a hold of the urologist to make a follow up appointment for me. I told him I could do that the next day, just leave him a message I will be calling. I was doing fine and had no buisness being in the hospital.
He then went on to say that they wouldn't look good if they didn't have that appointment made before they released. I told him that is complete BS he is trying to keep me in the hospital and I am not paying for another day at the hospital for you to look good, I have no blood clot in my leg that you suspected and am leaving. He denied it was about money. So I finally said I am leaving whether you release me or not. He then tried extortion. He told me that I had a UTI (which I knew) and he would not call in the needed antibiotics if I leave. I said that's OK you try extortion om me and you will regret it. I knew a doctor who came to see me in the hospital and told me they should release and if I needed any medicine to call him, so not like I was worried. I see that doctor on the 12th and am going to tell him about the extortion and see what he says. If it wouldn't have been for him coming buy they would have done an unnecessary intrusive medical procedure. He was the one that figured out what was wrong with me.
Anyway you won't find me at a hospital again unless I am unconscious, DOA or have a procedure scheduled. And thank you guys for the well wishes. Only by the grace of God will I make Christmas I believe. You should see my right leg, It looks like I am a NFL running back, swollen (Tumor pressing against Lymph system) twice the size as my left. Lymphedema I think they call it.
He then went on to say that they wouldn't look good if they didn't have that appointment made before they released. I told him that is complete BS he is trying to keep me in the hospital and I am not paying for another day at the hospital for you to look good, I have no blood clot in my leg that you suspected and am leaving. He denied it was about money. So I finally said I am leaving whether you release me or not. He then tried extortion. He told me that I had a UTI (which I knew) and he would not call in the needed antibiotics if I leave. I said that's OK you try extortion om me and you will regret it. I knew a doctor who came to see me in the hospital and told me they should release and if I needed any medicine to call him, so not like I was worried. I see that doctor on the 12th and am going to tell him about the extortion and see what he says. If it wouldn't have been for him coming buy they would have done an unnecessary intrusive medical procedure. He was the one that figured out what was wrong with me.
Anyway you won't find me at a hospital again unless I am unconscious, DOA or have a procedure scheduled. And thank you guys for the well wishes. Only by the grace of God will I make Christmas I believe. You should see my right leg, It looks like I am a NFL running back, swollen (Tumor pressing against Lymph system) twice the size as my left. Lymphedema I think they call it.
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
Saturday, September 27, 2014
Excellent VW commercial
A Hong Kong movie theater asks people to please leave their cell phones on during the movie as they enter to make this commercial.
Wide Awake NDE
I had what I am
going to call a wide awake Near Death Experience. I know it sounds
like an oxymoron but that is the best way to describe it. I didn't
die, I was sick though, I never left my body that I know of. So let
me get on with what happened.
I had turned off the
TV and computer and was sitting in peace and quiet meditating about
God. I was thinking about what he must be like. I knew I could never
understand anything about God until I met him. But my curious mind
was pondering him anyway. My thoughts got real abstract and not
explainable with words. Something suddenly happened like a shock or
jolt, it is hard to explain. It wasn't something you physically feel
but like you just woke up from from sleep realizing you are in bed
and the night is over. It was that kind of shock.
Time to get up so to
speak you've been asleep. And I realized I had been asleep and now I
was awake. What I saw was not what the next life looks like, but what
this life looks like from the next life perspective. It was one of
the strangest feelings. It wasn't fear or an all encompassing peace
that people say the feel when they actually have a NDE. I wasn't in
the presence of God or his angels or any light. It was still me
sitting down where I was and seeing this life from a completely
different perspective.
The first thing that
hit me was that this life we live here was real but wasn't the real
deal. I was seeing it from another place though I never left. The
whole experience was like I was a time traveler gone back in time or
I was a child of today who went back to the sixties. What do you mean
no computers, internet, cell phones and only three stations on the
TV? You have to get up and go switch the channel yourself?
What I saw was a
world of limitations and I can't believe people actually live like
this. I thought it was humorous that we had to hear with our ears,
communicate with our mouths and we had to eat. It was like that is so
ridiculous and very limiting. The thing that got me most was time.
How we had to think things out in linear progression. That in
thinking about something we had to have a start and move forward from
point to point moving toward an eventual conclusion. Thinking was a
process or method in time and was very limiting. Instead of just
knowing we had to figure things out. That was the oddest feeling.
Anyway, just as
suddenly as it came upon me it left me, and no matter how hard I
tried I couldn't get it back. The thing that it left with me that can
never be taken away and something I won't have to try to get back,
because it is part of me now. That is the feeling that this isn't the
real deal. I am not saying that none of this exists, quite the
contrary indeed. What I was left with is this is all there is right
now but it is nothing compared to what really is. I can see it but
cannot touch it because it left me until the day I leave this place.
It's like it is right there in front of me yet just out of my reach.
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
The volume of murders and rapes of citizens by illegal aliens is staggering.
"In the first place, we should insist that, if the immigrant, who comes here in good faith, becomes an American and assimilates himself to us,
he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is
an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or
birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the person's becoming in every facet, an American, and nothing but an American...There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at all. We
have room for but one flag, the American flag... We have room for
but one language here, and that is the English language... and we have
room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to
the American people."
President Theodore Roosevelt-1907
NCFIRE.INFO president James Johnson
Saturday, September 20, 2014
Monday, September 15, 2014
Samsung SGR-A1 Robot Sentry
This sounds pretty cool and all, but either somebody is lying or got their facts wrong about the specifications. I think someone is lying (exagerating) to scare people about it capabilities which you can find here:
The problem is a 5.56 MM weapon will not only not kill someone at over 2 miles it won't even go that far unless you are shooting it off the top of pikes peak to the valley below. a .223 bullet will start to tumble at 600-800 yards and will fall flat within a mile and a half. If you pointed the barrel at 37 degree angle in the air it won't go 2 miles.
The problem is a 5.56 MM weapon will not only not kill someone at over 2 miles it won't even go that far unless you are shooting it off the top of pikes peak to the valley below. a .223 bullet will start to tumble at 600-800 yards and will fall flat within a mile and a half. If you pointed the barrel at 37 degree angle in the air it won't go 2 miles.
Friday, September 12, 2014
Self aware dog
I was remembering my dog this morning while watching a story about dolphins. They think dolphins are self aware. Well I know my dog was unless I misunderstand the term.
My dog loved his bath. as soon as I pulled the shower curtian back he would leap in with his tail wagging. I used my removable shower head to give him a bath with, and Johnsons baby shampoo to prevent eye burn. I had to close the door to the bathroom as soon as he jumped in the bath because if I didn't he would jump out upon completion and go sprinting down the stairs and sliding into things all over the living room wood floors with wet feet. So I kept him pinned in until I got through towel drying him.
As soon as he got out he went wild and wanted out in the back yard and would run circles around the yard for about 5 minutes. When I let him back in he would go in the downstairs master bath and stand in front of the full length mirror on the closet door and spin around slowly looking, checking himself out. He was checking his good looking clean self out. I thought that was the funniest damn thing and I sure miss that dog.
In all the 10 Years I had him I never once took video of this behavior and wish I would have. I have seen dogs bark at themselves in the mirror but he knew it was him and that is why I say he was self aware and a bit vain. Never saw him checking out his teeth though :)
My dog loved his bath. as soon as I pulled the shower curtian back he would leap in with his tail wagging. I used my removable shower head to give him a bath with, and Johnsons baby shampoo to prevent eye burn. I had to close the door to the bathroom as soon as he jumped in the bath because if I didn't he would jump out upon completion and go sprinting down the stairs and sliding into things all over the living room wood floors with wet feet. So I kept him pinned in until I got through towel drying him.
As soon as he got out he went wild and wanted out in the back yard and would run circles around the yard for about 5 minutes. When I let him back in he would go in the downstairs master bath and stand in front of the full length mirror on the closet door and spin around slowly looking, checking himself out. He was checking his good looking clean self out. I thought that was the funniest damn thing and I sure miss that dog.
In all the 10 Years I had him I never once took video of this behavior and wish I would have. I have seen dogs bark at themselves in the mirror but he knew it was him and that is why I say he was self aware and a bit vain. Never saw him checking out his teeth though :)
Thursday, September 11, 2014
Dont' Touch other peoples new Iphone 6
so you don't own an Iphone 6 because you are not going to give Apple
your fingerprint. You may be wrong, no, you are wrong. Here is what
happens. Scenario: You are out with a friend and he just got his new
Iphone 6. You explain to him how you don't want one because it can read
your fingerprints and store them on a data base. Your friend blows you
off calling you paranoid. Later that night at the bar your friend get's a
funny email and wants to show it to you and hands you his phone.
Here is where everything goes wrong. You take his phone and running in the back ground is software that reads the fingerprints that touch the screen sensor. The Iphone does not recognize the fingerprint for his Iphone you just took and it immediate records the unknown fingerprint and takes a picture of the user (that would be you) as you are reading the email.
Here is where everything goes wrong. You take his phone and running in the back ground is software that reads the fingerprints that touch the screen sensor. The Iphone does not recognize the fingerprint for his Iphone you just took and it immediate records the unknown fingerprint and takes a picture of the user (that would be you) as you are reading the email.
I hate 9/11 anniversaries
9/11 anniversaries suck. Every year it consumes the media, from news outlets to internet to television (just turn on the History channel). The reason I hate it is because the whole damn story about what happened is a lie. I can't tell you what exactly happened the the story they are giving us is bullshit. Secondly it reminds me of all the other lies that were piled on top of it like WMD's in Iraq that got us into unnecessary wars and they keep spreading based on the original lie. Thirdly the lie of they did it because they hate our freedoms while the government used that lie to systematically remove the freedoms we once enjoyed with the permission of most of the dumb butts that still believe the first lie. The government who claimed they hate our freedoms was the one that took them away not the terrorists. We no longer have a 4th or 5th amendment and one could argue that the whole of the Bill of Right's was shredded based on that lie.
One would think the American people would wake up to this, but they are either to emotionally invested in it or are suffering from so much cognitive dissonance they can't bring themselves to use logic and critical thinking to stop this runaway train rolling straight to the Hell that is a totalitarian police state. So screw 9/11 and the lying liars that bring it up every year and further inflame the ignorant populace. The American people have become cowards afraid of a bunch of camel riding Islamic, mostly retards, and gave up everything we fought and bled for. If you are afraid of the terrorists defined and not the government that defines them then you will soon become the one defined as the terrorist as it stands now. Stop being afraid become an American again. Demand your rights and tell anyone that brings up 9/11 as an excuse to shut up.
One would think the American people would wake up to this, but they are either to emotionally invested in it or are suffering from so much cognitive dissonance they can't bring themselves to use logic and critical thinking to stop this runaway train rolling straight to the Hell that is a totalitarian police state. So screw 9/11 and the lying liars that bring it up every year and further inflame the ignorant populace. The American people have become cowards afraid of a bunch of camel riding Islamic, mostly retards, and gave up everything we fought and bled for. If you are afraid of the terrorists defined and not the government that defines them then you will soon become the one defined as the terrorist as it stands now. Stop being afraid become an American again. Demand your rights and tell anyone that brings up 9/11 as an excuse to shut up.
Tuesday, September 9, 2014
Monday, September 8, 2014
A Physicist’s View of the Afterlife:
NEWPORT BEACH, Calif.—Dr. Alan Ross Hugenot has spent decades contemplating the conundrums of physics, along with the enigma of human consciousness.
Hugenot holds a doctorate of science in mechanical engineering, and has had a successful career in marine engineering, serving on committees that write the ship-building standards for the United States. He studied physics and mechanical engineering at the Oregon Institute of Technology.
“I did things using Newtonian physics to create ships,” he said, “but the whole time, I knew better. There’s this whole other world that our five senses don’t register.” He gave a talk on the science of the afterlife at the International Association for Near-Death Studies (IANDS) 2014 Conference in Newport Beach, Calif., on Aug. 29.
Exploring the scientific theories related to this other world, Hugenot has wondered whether the consciousness of living human beings as well as the “souls” of the dead reside in dark matter or dark energy. He has pondered the implications of the power our consciousness seems to have over physical reality.
Hugenot told of a near-death experience in the 1970s during which he experienced part of this other world. He found it “more real than this place.”
Who is living in the real world? The longtime deceased relative or you looking at his picture on the wall?
Friday, September 5, 2014
Christian Thought Experiment
I don't believe it will ever be possible to terraform Mars or travel to distance stars where there are habital planets. But this is a Christian thought experiment. We now concede that both of these things are possible and given a suffucient amout of time we can do it 100% for sure, let's say in the next 100 years (Remember thought experiment).
Now given this with the reading of the Bible front to back does it forbid that this could ever happen such as where is Christ going to return ect. I heard a preacher on TV saying that one day man would reach for the stars because God didn't put them there for us not to be able to explore (paraphrasing). Personally my reading of the Bible no matter the technological advances that men will never leave Earth in any permanent way to establish an alternate self sustaining civilization on another planet or moon.
Now given this with the reading of the Bible front to back does it forbid that this could ever happen such as where is Christ going to return ect. I heard a preacher on TV saying that one day man would reach for the stars because God didn't put them there for us not to be able to explore (paraphrasing). Personally my reading of the Bible no matter the technological advances that men will never leave Earth in any permanent way to establish an alternate self sustaining civilization on another planet or moon.
Tuesday, September 2, 2014
Funerals, Dirges and Tombstones
On my way home from the doctor office today, my mother was being unusually quiet. I knew something was on her mind but I was enjoying the peace and quiet (I can't drive myself when on narcotic pain relievers). Suddenly she breaks her silence with this simple sentence "Shouldn't we be making plans?" Not for sure what she was talking about I said, "I can't answer such a generic question." I looked over at her and could see the wheels spinning. After what seemed like a very very long pause she said, "Your funeral."
I said well what's to plan, I want to be buried in our family plot and have a Catholic Mass that's just about the jist of it. She started in on a list of things saying "I need to know...", Music Tombstone eulogy ect. I told her other than the Mass the funeral is for the living, not the dead and since we are all Catholics a traditional Catholic funeral. The where's, whens and what's should be most convienent to you and the family.
The reason I am telling this is because it completely took by surprise and how many people ever expect to be going down the road and asked that question? It was a bit shocking and at the same time comforting. Mom had seemed to be in denial and now I see she is preparing herself. She said My brother was coming to see me next week as it is his birthday. I was telling her I will glad to see him and his family. She said, he is not bringing his family. I asked her why and she said she didn't know.
So I guess I'll wait and see what is on his mind. Today was definitely one of my weirder days.
I said well what's to plan, I want to be buried in our family plot and have a Catholic Mass that's just about the jist of it. She started in on a list of things saying "I need to know...", Music Tombstone eulogy ect. I told her other than the Mass the funeral is for the living, not the dead and since we are all Catholics a traditional Catholic funeral. The where's, whens and what's should be most convienent to you and the family.
The reason I am telling this is because it completely took by surprise and how many people ever expect to be going down the road and asked that question? It was a bit shocking and at the same time comforting. Mom had seemed to be in denial and now I see she is preparing herself. She said My brother was coming to see me next week as it is his birthday. I was telling her I will glad to see him and his family. She said, he is not bringing his family. I asked her why and she said she didn't know.
So I guess I'll wait and see what is on his mind. Today was definitely one of my weirder days.
Friday, August 29, 2014
IEMI - It's only a matter of time
Local EMP attacks the size of a briefcase.
Ways to protect from a local attack. - Photo
an electric field of 50 kV/m from 100 meters away - damage photo below.
Circuits Flambé, with crisped chips and broiled boards, resulted from tests with pulsed electromagnetic radiation in the author’s laboratory at Metatech Corp., in Goleta, Calif. The damage, from left, is as follows: A lid of an integrated circuit was scorched and warped; the capacitor labeled “C9” was completely blown away; part of a ceramic capacitor was shorn off; and the right-hand edge of a small integrated circuit was blasted.
My Father was a Defense contractor for the US Military and his designs in the 70's and 80's had to meet 5kV/m protection requirement measured at the location of the equipment.That was easier back then with slower processor speeds running at higher voltage.
The first line of defense should be putting as much distance as possible between you and the attacker. For instance, you could surround a building with a broad green meadow protected by fences, thus taking advantage of the falloff in an antenna’s electric field strength with distance. That’s not always possible, of course, so at the very least, you should locate critical equipment away from the building’s outermost walls.
The second line of defense involves the building in which the sensitive electronics are housed. No cable should enter the building without first passing through a specially designed surge arrester and a filter protection device coupled to a low-inductance grounding system. The surge arrester will “clip” a high-voltage pulse, but it will also generate some additional high-frequency noise, which the filter protection device will remove. The third line of defense lies in the walls themselves. Ideally, they should contain no windows, which are rather transparent to high-frequency EM fields; if there must be windows, cover them with metal screens. You should harden the walls with metal, such as concrete reinforced with rebar or even metallic wallboard. Best of all is a complete metal shield.
My Father told me that an over head exploded nuke in the upper atmosphere or space would generate about 50,000 V/m at Ground level. Pretty much trashes every electronic device you have not to mention the power grid. Could possibly set your house on fire through electrical wiring not protected by metal conduit..
Ways to protect from a local attack. - Photo
an electric field of 50 kV/m from 100 meters away - damage photo below.
Circuits Flambé, with crisped chips and broiled boards, resulted from tests with pulsed electromagnetic radiation in the author’s laboratory at Metatech Corp., in Goleta, Calif. The damage, from left, is as follows: A lid of an integrated circuit was scorched and warped; the capacitor labeled “C9” was completely blown away; part of a ceramic capacitor was shorn off; and the right-hand edge of a small integrated circuit was blasted.
My Father was a Defense contractor for the US Military and his designs in the 70's and 80's had to meet 5kV/m protection requirement measured at the location of the equipment.That was easier back then with slower processor speeds running at higher voltage.
The first line of defense should be putting as much distance as possible between you and the attacker. For instance, you could surround a building with a broad green meadow protected by fences, thus taking advantage of the falloff in an antenna’s electric field strength with distance. That’s not always possible, of course, so at the very least, you should locate critical equipment away from the building’s outermost walls.
The second line of defense involves the building in which the sensitive electronics are housed. No cable should enter the building without first passing through a specially designed surge arrester and a filter protection device coupled to a low-inductance grounding system. The surge arrester will “clip” a high-voltage pulse, but it will also generate some additional high-frequency noise, which the filter protection device will remove. The third line of defense lies in the walls themselves. Ideally, they should contain no windows, which are rather transparent to high-frequency EM fields; if there must be windows, cover them with metal screens. You should harden the walls with metal, such as concrete reinforced with rebar or even metallic wallboard. Best of all is a complete metal shield.
My Father told me that an over head exploded nuke in the upper atmosphere or space would generate about 50,000 V/m at Ground level. Pretty much trashes every electronic device you have not to mention the power grid. Could possibly set your house on fire through electrical wiring not protected by metal conduit..
Thursday, August 28, 2014
Saturday, August 23, 2014
I was unaware.
More Than A Thousand Stood Under Heat & Sun For Free Food In Miami
August 22, 2014 5:54 PM
MIAMI (CBSMiami) — More than a thousand locals lined up Friday
morning for several hours under the scorching sun and heat in Miami for
a box full of food
The event located at the Central Shopping Plaza at 3825 NW 7th Street started at 9:00 a.m.
Participants got a box of free vegetables, meats and bread worth $100 until 12:00 p.m.–or until supplies lasted.
Those who didn’t want to stand in line could wait in their car
for the drive-thru portion of the event.
Brittany Payne, a mother of three, stood in line for hours with her baby boy.
“It’s something I have to do to feed my kids,” said Payne.
Payne joined Miami residents lined up under the scorching sun and heat.
“It’s a blessing because if it wasn’t for them I couldn’t eat
today,” said Payne.
If you can get people to stand in line for hours in scorching heat, in today's society, they are hungry. I haven't noticed any of this going on in my area. I guess Texas the mean conservative State actually has the money to feed the poor with a EBT card. The conservatives can feed the poor the compassionate liberals can't.
So shut up bitches.
The event located at the Central Shopping Plaza at 3825 NW 7th Street started at 9:00 a.m.
Participants got a box of free vegetables, meats and bread worth $100 until 12:00 p.m.–or until supplies lasted.
Those who didn’t want to stand in line could wait in their car
Brittany Payne, a mother of three, stood in line for hours with her baby boy.
“It’s something I have to do to feed my kids,” said Payne.
Payne joined Miami residents lined up under the scorching sun and heat.
“It’s a blessing because if it wasn’t for them I couldn’t eat
If you can get people to stand in line for hours in scorching heat, in today's society, they are hungry. I haven't noticed any of this going on in my area. I guess Texas the mean conservative State actually has the money to feed the poor with a EBT card. The conservatives can feed the poor the compassionate liberals can't.
So shut up bitches.
Thursday, August 14, 2014
Stoeger Coach Gun
I've always wanted one of these. Why I have never bought one I don't know. I have come close to buying one on several occasions but never did.
$549 retail and a damn fine handy gun.
$549 retail and a damn fine handy gun.
Rubber Bullet
I always wondered how dangerous Police rubber bullets were, and what kind of damage they cause. Well, Ferguson protest gave me an example.
Belly shot just above the waist. Ouch!
Belly shot just above the waist. Ouch!
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
Online dangers
BRANDEN GHENA pulls his car up under a traffic light
in a city in Michigan. He plugs a radio transmitter into the car's power
adapter, connects it to his laptop and, with a few keyboard strokes,
takes control of every traffic light in town.
"We were able to advance the light," Ghena says of the experiment, which took place in May. "We could make it turn green."
Ghena, an electrical engineer at the
University of Michigan, and his team were exploiting a vulnerability in
the light's traffic controller. Present at every signalled intersection,
the controller switches between red, yellow and green lights according
to its programming. It can be set to change at regular intervals, or
based on input from external traffic sensors.
These controllers are often networked
across a city, and receive commands via a sequence of data packets. This
allows engineers to manage them remotely, but anyone with network
access can send these commands. All Ghena had to do was figure out which
sequences of packets corresponded to which controller commands, and he
gained full control.
As ya'll probably suspect I see a lot of different doctors. 3 specialists and my GP. All three specialist want me to sign up for online medical information, where I can get my labs, notes and schedule doctors appoitments whithout ever making a phone call.
They can have their stuff send me a notice to come in say after a lab and schedule an appointment for me online. That seems kind of handy but I printed out the terms and agreement and studied them. They of course are from a private company that the doctors pay for the service and pressure me to do it. I would like to, but under the terms it voids the 1996 HIPA act and your medical information becomes a commodity for the service. Also if some one hacks their site it says they are not responsible for any damaged incurred as a result. I see serious problems with that as it gives them only a reputation incentive to keep my data safe. So I read this article why trying to make a decision if I want to do it. Ughh!
Next week when I go to one of them they are going to hit me up again to do it like they do every month. I am having a difficult time with this and really not in the mental shape to deal with right now. To be clear I am confused about what to do. I think I'll just keep waiting and tell them I am still thinking about it. Technology is a double edged sword, which side is sharper?
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
Flag Burning
I spent many a day working and messing around in Weatherford, TX and when they catch these guys they are gonna wish they never did it. Some places you just don't mess with, Weatherford is one of them. The Mexicans burning home owners American flags better hope the police catch them first.
Wetback scum.
Wetback scum.
Saturday, August 9, 2014
Giant walking on the Moon
Open google earth. Click on [View] -> [Explore] -> [Moon].
When google moon comes up copy and paste the below coordinates in search and hit enter. There is a giant Bipedal creature walking in mid stride there and casting a shadow in the direction of the suns rays. Zoom in and out to see it better. Woooo Weee Woooo, Spooky. Explain that one WB? hahahaha!
27 34 11.64N, 19 35 31.95 W
When google moon comes up copy and paste the below coordinates in search and hit enter. There is a giant Bipedal creature walking in mid stride there and casting a shadow in the direction of the suns rays. Zoom in and out to see it better. Woooo Weee Woooo, Spooky. Explain that one WB? hahahaha!
27 34 11.64N, 19 35 31.95 W
Thursday, August 7, 2014
Walking Bear?
The gait looks like a man in a bear suit to me.
Upate: It is areal Bear with two injured front paws.
Upate: It is areal Bear with two injured front paws.
News Media Bias
Got this in an email.
A biker is riding by the zoo in Washington , DC when he sees a little girl leaning into the lion's cage. Suddenly, the lion grabs her by the collar of her jacket and tries to pull her inside to slaughter her, under the eyes of her screaming parents.
The biker jumps off his Harley, runs to the cage and hits the lion square on the nose with a powerful punch. Whimpering from the pain, the lion jumps back, letting go of the girl, and the biker brings her to her terrified parents, who thank him endlessly.
A reporter has watched the whole event. Addressing the biker, he says, "Sir, this was the most gallant and brave thing I've seen a man do in my whole life." The biker replies, "Why, it was nothing, really. The lion was behind bars. I just saw this little kid in danger and acted as I felt right."
The reporter says, "Well, I'll make sure this won't go unnoticed . I'm a journalist, you know, and tomorrow's paper will have this story on the front page. So, what do you do for a living and what political affiliation do you have?" The biker replies, "I'm a U.S. Marine and a Republican." The journalist leaves.
The following morning the biker buys the paper to see if it indeed brings news of his actions, and reads, on the front page:
A biker is riding by the zoo in Washington , DC when he sees a little girl leaning into the lion's cage. Suddenly, the lion grabs her by the collar of her jacket and tries to pull her inside to slaughter her, under the eyes of her screaming parents.
The biker jumps off his Harley, runs to the cage and hits the lion square on the nose with a powerful punch. Whimpering from the pain, the lion jumps back, letting go of the girl, and the biker brings her to her terrified parents, who thank him endlessly.
A reporter has watched the whole event. Addressing the biker, he says, "Sir, this was the most gallant and brave thing I've seen a man do in my whole life." The biker replies, "Why, it was nothing, really. The lion was behind bars. I just saw this little kid in danger and acted as I felt right."
The reporter says, "Well, I'll make sure this won't go unnoticed . I'm a journalist, you know, and tomorrow's paper will have this story on the front page. So, what do you do for a living and what political affiliation do you have?" The biker replies, "I'm a U.S. Marine and a Republican." The journalist leaves.
The following morning the biker buys the paper to see if it indeed brings news of his actions, and reads, on the front page:
Tuesday, August 5, 2014
Careful what you say to your potted plants
I was told by a source I know that they can listen to what you are saying in your house with a laser and high speed camera using your window as a speaker. Looks like my source wasn't making it up.
California community stumped by mystery animal
It's a dog doofuses. How blind do you have to be not to see that this is a dog?
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Officials in a Southern California city are trying to identify an animal caught in grainy black-and-white video footage moving quietly through a residential neighborhood, saying the beast does not appear to be a dog or a mountain lion.
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Officials in a Southern California city are trying to identify an animal caught in grainy black-and-white video footage moving quietly through a residential neighborhood, saying the beast does not appear to be a dog or a mountain lion.
Sunday, August 3, 2014
I'm Back
Finally got out of the hospital. Thanks for every ones patience.
Found this in my email, catching up on it.
Found this in my email, catching up on it.
Friday, July 25, 2014
I'll be away
Due to circumstances beyond my control will be away from the blog until Jul 29th possibly Aug 1st depending on how things go. Check back them, as I hope to be back in shape to blog.
Sunday, July 20, 2014
I heard someone mention the Septuagint Bible. The oldest known Bible. I looked it up in the Catholic encyclopedia and it is very interesting I ordered one these tonight. Click on Photo for Amazon link.
Anybody know anything about it? This one is both in English and Greek.
This edition of The Septuagint with Apocrypha (the ancient Greek translation of the Hebrew Old Testament and the apocryphal books of the same linguistic origin) gives the complete Greek text along with a parallel English translation by Brenton.
Anybody know anything about it? This one is both in English and Greek.
This edition of The Septuagint with Apocrypha (the ancient Greek translation of the Hebrew Old Testament and the apocryphal books of the same linguistic origin) gives the complete Greek text along with a parallel English translation by Brenton.
- Hardcover: 1408 pages
- Publisher: Hendrickson Publishers, Inc. (April 1, 1986)
- Language: English, Greek
- ISBN-10: 0913573442
- ISBN-13: 978-0913573440
Friday, July 18, 2014
An urgent expedition will leaves tomorrow to probe a giant crater that has appeared in gas-rich northern Siberia.
aerial images show a mysterious hole which experts say may be up to 262
feet wide, in the Yamal Peninsula of northern Russia.
'A scientific team has been sent to investigate the hole and is due to arrive at the scene on Wednesday,' The Siberian Times has reported.
When I saw this picture it reminded me of all the things I have been feeling, anybody else feel this urgency or is it just me?
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
Then and Now, they call it progress
A couple of generations ago, whatever one’s economic class,
“class” mattered. And with class came dignity.
From Trends Journal
Monday, July 14, 2014
The ultimate goal of the NSA is total population control
The Guardian
At least 80% of all audio calls, not just metadata, are recorded and stored in the US, says whistleblower William Binney – that's a 'totalitarian mentality'
William Binney is one of the highest-level whistleblowers to ever emerge from the NSA. He was a leading code-breaker against the Soviet Union during the Cold War but resigned soon after September 11, disgusted by Washington’s move towards mass surveillance.
On 5 July he spoke at a conference in London organised by the Centre for Investigative Journalism and revealed the extent of the surveillance programs unleashed by the Bush and Obama administrations.
“At least 80% of fibre-optic cables globally go via the US”, Binney said. “This is no accident and allows the US to view all communication coming in. At least 80% of all audio calls, not just metadata, are recorded and stored in the US. The NSA lies about what it stores.”
The NSA will soon be able to collect 966 exabytes a year, the total of internet traffic annually. Former Google head Eric Schmidt once argued that the entire amount of knowledge from the beginning of humankind until 2003 amount to only five exabytes.
Mankind considers itself intelligent because he can communicate and build little toys like these. But he out clevers himself. 966 exabytes is nothing compared to the concept of the creator and the universe. You see he is being watched even more closely than he could ever imagine watching. Not just his phone calls, text, email and travels but every idle thought, every word spoken, every hair of of his head is numbered. And he being the fool of his own pride and power doesn't even stop to think about the consequences of God while he piddles with his little contraptions trying to play as a god.
He is foolish and vain in his heart and the meaning of what he collects will eventually be for naught in the grave, while overlooking the eternal consequences of what he does to others by fooling, blackmailing, hurting and otherwise being a creepy pervert.
All he does will count for nothing and the master he serves can't even save himself. I wish sometimes these people who comply with this nonsense would just take a moment and step back - look and realize it is all foolishness and do something positive for mankind that will have everlasting positive personal consequences.
But most of them won't and I pray for their eternal souls while they go about recruiting and destroying others. If you are one of those people and reading this I suggest you get on your knees, ask for forgiveness and leave your ways.
At least 80% of all audio calls, not just metadata, are recorded and stored in the US, says whistleblower William Binney – that's a 'totalitarian mentality'
William Binney is one of the highest-level whistleblowers to ever emerge from the NSA. He was a leading code-breaker against the Soviet Union during the Cold War but resigned soon after September 11, disgusted by Washington’s move towards mass surveillance.
On 5 July he spoke at a conference in London organised by the Centre for Investigative Journalism and revealed the extent of the surveillance programs unleashed by the Bush and Obama administrations.
“At least 80% of fibre-optic cables globally go via the US”, Binney said. “This is no accident and allows the US to view all communication coming in. At least 80% of all audio calls, not just metadata, are recorded and stored in the US. The NSA lies about what it stores.”
The NSA will soon be able to collect 966 exabytes a year, the total of internet traffic annually. Former Google head Eric Schmidt once argued that the entire amount of knowledge from the beginning of humankind until 2003 amount to only five exabytes.
Mankind considers itself intelligent because he can communicate and build little toys like these. But he out clevers himself. 966 exabytes is nothing compared to the concept of the creator and the universe. You see he is being watched even more closely than he could ever imagine watching. Not just his phone calls, text, email and travels but every idle thought, every word spoken, every hair of of his head is numbered. And he being the fool of his own pride and power doesn't even stop to think about the consequences of God while he piddles with his little contraptions trying to play as a god.
He is foolish and vain in his heart and the meaning of what he collects will eventually be for naught in the grave, while overlooking the eternal consequences of what he does to others by fooling, blackmailing, hurting and otherwise being a creepy pervert.
All he does will count for nothing and the master he serves can't even save himself. I wish sometimes these people who comply with this nonsense would just take a moment and step back - look and realize it is all foolishness and do something positive for mankind that will have everlasting positive personal consequences.
But most of them won't and I pray for their eternal souls while they go about recruiting and destroying others. If you are one of those people and reading this I suggest you get on your knees, ask for forgiveness and leave your ways.
Thursday, July 10, 2014
Speaks for itself
The only thing I will say is if you eat fast food, this is who is serving you.
Friday, July 4, 2014
Channeling Vox?
I'll bet that Muslim girl wished she would have never asked the question.
Thursday, July 3, 2014
Illegals coming to Dallas
A Dallas judge unveiled three possible sites, two in Dallas and one in Grand Prairie, that could temporarily house about 2,000 children who entered the U.S. illegally without their parents, amid a dramatic spike in border crossings by undocumented children that has overwhelmed officials.
Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins detailed preliminary plans for housing the children at a briefing Thursday, citing three possible housing sites: Hulcy Middle School in Dallas, Parkland Hospital building 2420 in the 2400 block of Butler Street in Dallas and the Lamar School in Grand Prairie.
Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins detailed preliminary plans for housing the children at a briefing Thursday, citing three possible housing sites: Hulcy Middle School in Dallas, Parkland Hospital building 2420 in the 2400 block of Butler Street in Dallas and the Lamar School in Grand Prairie.
"I don’t think North Texas will turn its back on children. Anytime you have 7 million people, there are going to be some people that are upset," he said. "But this is about compassionate care of children, and I think as a community we're going to be able to stand together and be proud that we have done what's right for these children."
What Dumbasses
Hey Sparky, whatcha gonna do when they ain't children no more? Dumbass!
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