Thursday, September 11, 2014

I hate 9/11 anniversaries

9/11 anniversaries suck. Every year it consumes the media, from news outlets to internet to television (just turn on the History channel). The reason I hate it is because the whole damn story about what happened is a lie. I can't tell you what exactly happened the the story they are giving us is bullshit. Secondly it reminds me of all the other lies that were piled on top of it like WMD's in Iraq that got us into unnecessary wars and they keep spreading based on the original lie. Thirdly the lie of they did it because they hate our freedoms while the government used that lie to systematically remove the freedoms we once enjoyed with the permission of most of the dumb butts that still believe the first lie. The government who claimed they hate our freedoms was the one that took them away not the terrorists. We no longer have a 4th or 5th amendment and one could argue that the whole of the Bill of Right's was shredded based on that lie.

One would think the American people would wake up to this, but they are either to emotionally invested in it or are suffering from so much cognitive dissonance they can't bring themselves to use logic and critical thinking to stop this runaway train rolling straight to the Hell that is a totalitarian police state. So screw 9/11 and the lying liars that bring it up every year and further inflame the ignorant populace. The American people have become cowards afraid of a bunch of camel riding Islamic, mostly retards, and gave up everything we fought and bled for. If you are afraid of the terrorists defined and not the government that defines them then you will soon become the one defined as the terrorist as it stands now. Stop being afraid become an American again. Demand your rights and tell anyone that brings up 9/11 as an excuse to shut up.

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