Saturday, September 27, 2014

Wide Awake NDE

I had what I am going to call a wide awake Near Death Experience. I know it sounds like an oxymoron but that is the best way to describe it. I didn't die, I was sick though, I never left my body that I know of. So let me get on with what happened.

I had turned off the TV and computer and was sitting in peace and quiet meditating about God. I was thinking about what he must be like. I knew I could never understand anything about God until I met him. But my curious mind was pondering him anyway. My thoughts got real abstract and not explainable with words. Something suddenly happened like a shock or jolt, it is hard to explain. It wasn't something you physically feel but like you just woke up from from sleep realizing you are in bed and the night is over. It was that kind of shock.

Time to get up so to speak you've been asleep. And I realized I had been asleep and now I was awake. What I saw was not what the next life looks like, but what this life looks like from the next life perspective. It was one of the strangest feelings. It wasn't fear or an all encompassing peace that people say the feel when they actually have a NDE. I wasn't in the presence of God or his angels or any light. It was still me sitting down where I was and seeing this life from a completely different perspective.

The first thing that hit me was that this life we live here was real but wasn't the real deal. I was seeing it from another place though I never left. The whole experience was like I was a time traveler gone back in time or I was a child of today who went back to the sixties. What do you mean no computers, internet, cell phones and only three stations on the TV? You have to get up and go switch the channel yourself?

What I saw was a world of limitations and I can't believe people actually live like this. I thought it was humorous that we had to hear with our ears, communicate with our mouths and we had to eat. It was like that is so ridiculous and very limiting. The thing that got me most was time. How we had to think things out in linear progression. That in thinking about something we had to have a start and move forward from point to point moving toward an eventual conclusion. Thinking was a process or method in time and was very limiting. Instead of just knowing we had to figure things out. That was the oddest feeling.

Anyway, just as suddenly as it came upon me it left me, and no matter how hard I tried I couldn't get it back. The thing that it left with me that can never be taken away and something I won't have to try to get back, because it is part of me now. That is the feeling that this isn't the real deal. I am not saying that none of this exists, quite the contrary indeed. What I was left with is this is all there is right now but it is nothing compared to what really is. I can see it but cannot touch it because it left me until the day I leave this place. It's like it is right there in front of me yet just out of my reach.


  1. I don't know if someone has coined a term for what you experienced. I know what you are talking about though.

  2. Interesting description. Sounds similar to -- though in most ways still completely different from -- the feeling of deja vu: a feeling of certainty.

  3. It was sort of like deja vu except it was profound, and I guess certainty is a good a word as any, profound certainty.
