Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Rain Barrel Design

This is an optimum rain barrel design I came up with off the gutter of my house.
Quick description:
Notice in the drawing below the straight drop is called a first flush, that takes the first flush of dust and bird poop off the roof. Optimum design is to let it hold the first quarter inch. When the flush drop fills to the "T"  (first flush) it will spill over into the rain barrel with the cleaner water. It still may need some more filtering or at least decontamination by boiling, UV sun or chlorine (I suggest *chlorine and gravity flow filtering before using as drinking water). A good gravity flow filter is almost a must for drinking water. If you want to store some water do so in a cool dry place. The first flush water can be used to water plants if you like. The reason for the East symbol is because I designed it for the north side of my house in CAD.

Important: Make sure you empty out first flush water after every rain.

Note: you can use any kind of downspout tubing you like. PVC "T" adabters are easier to find. Make your own equipment list.


* Warning - do not use scented bleach it is deadly. Use 8-10 drops of 5% - 6% household chlorine bleach per gallon, stir and let sit for 30 minutes then pour into Gravity flow filter. My favorite gravity flow filter.


  1. I like it. That is one issue I'd have at my place. I have a well, but I am told it is 1200 feet deep. The pump doesn't work. I'm guessing it would cost a fortune to get it going and I bet the water isn't very good. Plus I'd need electricity to pump it.

    If the grid went down I'd need a water source. Right now I don't have downspouts.

  2. Mine is working well I am thinking about adding two more 50 gallon barrels.
