Saturday, June 14, 2014

A different way to think about sickness

I actually loved this book, I bought it before I found out it was online. There is another book strictly about cancer that isn't on line called Cancer by Eli Jones that is really good because he nailed what happened to me over 100 years ago. But Toxemia is available on line which you can read, and it is more general and a different way to think about sickness. Now that the Pharmaceutical industrial complex defines what we can and can't do all this has been forgotten. I hope this helps someone because it helped me and I had to dig deep to find them.

The Moderns do not expect men to understand these things, but to make man pretend he understands them.

Toxemia Explained: Online free PDF (He is not talking about not believing in God (salvation) when you read this first part of the preface, they talked different back then).

FROM time immemorial man has looked for a savior;
and, when not looking for a savior, he is looking for a cure.
He believes in paternalism. He is looking to get something
for nothing, not knowing that the highest price we ever pay
for anything is to have it given to us.

Instead of accepting salvation, it is better to deserve it.
Instead of buying, begging, or stealing, a cure, it is better to
stop building disease. Disease is of man’s own building,
and one worse thing than the stupidity of buying a cure is to
remain so ignorant as to believe in cures.

The false theories of salvation and cures have built man
into a mental mendicant, when he should be the arbiter of
his own salvation, and certainly his own doctor, instead of
being a slave to a profession that has neither worked out its
own salvation from disease nor discovered a single cure in
all the age-long period of man’s existence on earth.

We hear of diet cures, dietitians, balanced rations, meat
diets, vegetable diets, and other diets—chemically prepared
foods of all kinds. The reading public is bewildered with

hundreds of health magazines and thousands of health
ideas. There are thousands writing on health who would not
recognize it if they should meet it on the street. Fanaticism,
bigotry, stupidity, and commercialism are the principal
elements in the dietetic complex that is now belaboring the

Cures are what the people want, and cures are what
doctors and cultists affect to make; but at most only relief is

The periodicity which characterizes all functional
derangements of the body lends color to the claims of curemongers
that their remedy has cured their patients, when
the truth is that the so-called disease “ran its course.” The
truth is that the so-called disease was a toxemic crisis, and
when the toxin was eliminated below the toleration point,
the sickness passed—automatically health returned. But the
disease was not cured; for the cause (enervating habits) is
continued, toxin still accumulates, and in due course of
time another crisis appears. Unless the cause of Toxemia is
discovered and removed, crises will recur until functional
derangements will give way to organic disease.

The entire profession is engaged in doctoring crises of
Toxemia—curing (?) and curing (?) until overtaken with
chronic disease of whatever organ was the seat of the toxin



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