Friday, June 6, 2014

Judge Jeanine Pirro

Never heard of this lady. Wow, If Savage could just shut up and let her talk. Evidently she is a Fox News anchor. I'm impressed. I quit watching Fox years ago. The thing I most hate about talk show hosts is they can't shut up for more than 20 seconds, then change the damn subject just as the guest is winding up their thoughts. I wish just once a guest would say, look, it's your show but if you can't let me complete a thought this is a waste of my time. Alex Jones is the worst about it. I did see Paul Craig Roberts call down Alex one day when he was either interrupting or trying to complete his thought for him. I sent him an email and told him he had diarrhea of the mouth and was extremely rude to a man of PCR's stature. But any way listen to this lady when Savage shuts his mouth.

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