Friday, June 13, 2014

War and Patriotism

On September 11th 2001 9 hijackers flew three planes into building and crashed another one into a field. We were all angry, I l know I was. So we invaded Afghanistan then Iraq in March 2003. Ever where you drove your car you saw American flags flying on car windows and magnetic "support our troops" on the back of our cars. It has been 13 Years and we have spread the wars all around the Middle East and a lot od our troops died or came back physic ally or mentally damaged.

Today we see these headlines on the top left of the Drudge report.

Government 'paralyzed'...
VIDEO: Thousands of soldiers captured...
REPORT: 200 American contractors surrounded...
Vets watch as insurgents undo sacrifices...
'It's LIke Punch In Gut'...
Oil Soars...

I hope we have learned a lesson from this fiasco. We told our young people they were fighting for our freedom and every one who question the wisdom of war was an America hater or Liberal or any other name they could use to humiliate them. Basically there was no room for descent as they were laughed at ridiculed and hated. I was part of that, but by 2003, I started to the light so to speak. I saw the folly of this exercise in fighting for our freedom as they were all stripped from us little by little.

Now you can't go to an airport or a sporting event without searches. Everything we do from talking on the phone to surfing the internet is recorded in something they call metadata. The soldiers are angry because they were lied to. The American populace is angry because they were lied to and are still being lied to.  We went from a reasonably free people to a surveilled suspected populace fearing our government.

But when all is said and done, however this eventually ends, we need to remember that this has happened again and again throughout history. Mankind doesn't progress it repeats its mistakes all though recorded history.

We destroyed ourselves in our patriotic zeal. We lost our freedom, respect around the world and our economy. We are broke, hated and enslaved to a global elite to what they call a New World Order. Which even FDR once said of Nazi fascism as the New Order. "It is not new, and it is not order."

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