Friday, April 18, 2014

A Pyramid in the Middle of Nowhere Built To Track the End of the World

 Cavalier County, North Dakota

A huge pyramid in the middle of nowhere tracking the end of the world on radar. An abstract geometric shape beneath the sky without a human being in sight. It could be the opening scene of an apocalyptic science fiction film, but it's just the U.S. military going about its business, building vast and other-worldly architectural structures that the civilian world only rarely sees.

Anyone know anything about this or seen it?


  1. Yeah, I believe it's a cold war relic, just thought someone might know more about it or been there to see it.

  2. I'm not sure where it is at, but I've been within a couple hours drive of it, I'm sure. Didn't know it existing till an hour ago, though.

  3. No direct personal experience with this particular site, but there's a lot about it online:

    Location on Google maps

    The Stanley R. Mickelsen Safeguard Complex, the only base built as part of the Safeguard Program, an earlier anti-ballistic missile defense program that was cancelled ca. 1976. The pyramid housed the Missile Site Radar (MSR); those are what the circular aperatures on the faces were for. This control system would launch the Sentinal and Sprint missiles to intercept incoming ICBMs, as depicted in this video.

    An unofficial website, whence comes that video.

    1. Sorry, that was supposed to be Spartan, not Sentinel missiles. Sentinel was the program before Safeguard.

  4. Replies
    1. No problem.

      But it just occurred to me that, in light of your earlier post on Government Trolls, that it might look like I'm trying to "deliberately troll the Internet for information the government doesn't want the general populace to know about, to distract and redirect the conversation by providing government approved links".

      So actually, it's really another Stargate, and I'm just trying to distract you away from it.

      Just like I did with MH370. ;)

  5. Troll or not, WB, at least someone is reading my blog. Today my new keyboard comes in the mail and baring any broken stuff, I plan on doing my next UFO Part 2. My fingers are too big for this laptop keyboard and I already suck at typing. WB Troll, that would be a good name for a book author.

    1. Good, I'm curious to see what you think of the Belgian UFO wave of 1989-1990, supposedly witnessed by over 13,000 people. I got there a couple of years afterward (was actually stationed at the radar site that reportedly picked them up), so I didn't see them myself...but everyone around there was still talking about them.

      Of particular interest in that article was this:
      "Marc Hallet's thesis is that the Belgian UFO wave was mostly a mass delusion, boosted by the work done by the SOBEPS. This mass delusion would have followed Philip J. Klass's law: Once news coverage leads the public to believe that UFOs may be in the vicinity, there are numerous natural and man-made objects which, especially seen at night, can take on unusual characteristics in the minds of hopeful viewers. Their UFO reports in turn add to the mass excitement, which encourages still more observers to watch for UFOs. This situation feeds upon itself until such time as the media lose interest in the subject, and then the « flap » quickly runs out of steam."

  6. Mass Delusion? My keyboard came and fixed it up a couple hours ago, Logitech has a program you can download and use a wireless keyboard and mouse with one USB port. or any other Logitech product up to five. Good thing, I only have 3 USB ports and one is broken.

    Back to Mass delusions, they are full of shit. And I'll prove it by the time I am done with all parts. They got no idea what is going on because like the UFO crowd (Ancient Aliens series), the skeptics are of one mind and can't think outside the box.

    Now this puts pressure on me to get this out, I hate pressure.

  7. I've been waiting for the UFO post too. It'll be interesting to see what you think.

  8. Oh. it is going to be a series, no answers yet.

  9. Outlaw X: "My keyboard came and fixed it up a couple hours ago, Logitech has a program you can download and use a wireless keyboard and mouse with one USB port. or any other Logitech product up to five. Good thing, I only have 3 USB ports and one is broken. "

    I also have a Logitech wireless keyboard/mouse, and also have only 3 USB ports on my laptop. Since the internal wireless network card crapped out, I had to use one of the ports for a USB wireless antenna. Add the Logitech stick and the printer (wireless also went out on that), I ran out of ports to connect things (camera, phone, etc) to.

    The solution: USB hub. The one I got won't work with the Logitech stick, but the other devices work just fine through it, turning one port into 4.

  10. Thanks, for the info, but I got a small space, I guess a multiple usb port needs to be plugged in, because the power from one would be hard to support 5. Haven't looked into them but may, I want to keep my laptop, because I don't want Windows 8.
