Saturday, April 19, 2014

UFOs Explained - Part 2


Okay, so what are UFO this question everyone's asking? I don't think it's a simple answer. I think it's a complicated one. Why don't we look at some of the recent and not so recent UFO accounts. So let's start with some definitions. By recent I mean, from the mid-20th century to now. By not so recent. I mean to all times. So let's start with the recent accounts.

We have the following:

  • Whitley Strieber.
  • Betty and Barney Hill.
  • Travis Walton..

What do all of these have in common? They have all been played over and over again on TV to tell us their stories, their experiences and the wonderment.

Whitley Strieber claims the experience of abduction by aliens. He said: I was assaulted by something from the unknown, rather than possessed by. I hope I was never possessed by it. Although there are those who would disagree with me. After what happened to me. I decided it might be a good idea to accept the idea the devil just in case that's what I saw. He then described his experience when he claims he was transported back in time and described one of the beings as what seemed almost to be a demon with a narrow face and dark, slanted eyes.

Terrible fears raced through me: they were predators and they were going to eat our souls; they were demons never going to drag me off to hell.

And before the great power of the visitors, what with their counsel against me? I was alone with this and at the moment. I was in hell.

I worried that they would come and steal me away. Or perhaps they would kill me and eat my soul.

Increasingly, I felt as if I were entering a struggle that my be even more than alive or dead. It might be a struggle for my soul, my essence, or whatever part of me might have referenced to the eternal. There are worse things than death, I suspect it. So far, the word demon had never been spoken among the scientist, doctors who were working with me. And why shouldn't it have been? We were beyond such things. We were group of atheists and agnostics, far too sophisticated to be concerned with such archaic ideas as demons and angels. I worried about the legendary cunning of demons. At the very least, I was going stark, raving mad.

While her mother sister so secretive, hiding themselves behind my consciousness? I can only conclude that they were using me and did not want me to no one. What if they were dangerous? That I was terribly daggers because I was playing a role in aqua acclimatizing people to them.

Of course they were demons. They had to be and they were here and I couldn't get away. I felt my soul being carried away by a triumphant spiritual predator. I wondered if I might not be in the grip of demons, if they were not making me suffer for their own purposes, or simply for their enjoyment. He said he could smell the presence of the aliens and they smelled like sulfur.
Well let's look at UFO's first from a secular stand point. The Universe is 14.5 billion years old or about. The time it takes light to travel to the nearest star is about 4 years. Science says quite plainly that nothing can travel faster than the speed of light. Science also says it is possible to bend space, but the energy it would take to make a wormhole the size of a grapefruit would take the energy that our sun puts out over ten billion years.

We also have a problem with time. Time at the outer reaches of the Milky-way galaxy runs faster than the time close to the center. Some would call it gravitational distortion, not me, I call it natural space-time gravitational ratios.

Now we have Machiavellianism to deal with. As mankind increases in knowledge he also increases the likelihood of him killing himself off. Luckily we haven't yet done it, but don't count on us not to.

This brings up an interesting psychological component of ET's. I call it the savior complex. The ET's are watching us and if we get too out of hand they will step in and save us. The thought that some benevolent sentient being is going to save the Earth from mankind. Well he didn't help the Ukraine under communism, the Jews under Hitler or do they ever solve poverty? Of course not, and under secular thinking if they don't stop suffering they don't exist or they are not benevolent. That's what the secular say about God.

The truth is there are no ET's visiting Earth, and never have. Now we have to define ET's.

ET – A being formed by evolution, living in the 3 dimensional space of space-time and bound by its laws who lives and dies in this universe from a different planet.
With that definition there are no ET's and I don't care what the guy with the funny hair says on Ancient Aliens he is wrong.

So what are the UFO's? Stay tuned, because it is obvious to me and I have researched them for years. And it is not what you think. Notice the word “it”.
"Men in Black"coming? Nope, until the final part. I like their sunglasses and the flashy 1950's suits. I like those hats as well. Maybe we can make a deal?

To be continued...


  1. It looks like you are going where I thought you would with this. Which means I'm going to enjoy it as much as I thought. Since you haven't gone there yet, permit me a side line indulgence.

    You wrote: Well let's look at UFO's first from a secular stand point. The Universe is 14.5 billion years old or about. The time it takes light to travel to the nearest star is about 4 years. Science says quite plainly that nothing can travel faster than the speed of light. Science also says it is possible to bend space, but the energy it would take to make a wormhole the size of a grapefruit would take the energy that our sun puts out over ten billion years.

    I realize you started this off with stating this is "secular". What would your take be on the nature of the universe assuming these two variables to be factual:
    1. Isaiah 42:5, 45:12, 48:13, 51:13, states a literal scientific fact.
    2. The speed of light is not a constant but is subject to the laws of entropy and has been slowing down at a measurable rate over time.

    Just for kicks: Assuming that the 10 dimensional version of reality is correct; 4 knowable dimensions (length, height, width and time) and 6 are mathematically inferable, any being capable of accessing any 1 of the 10 "higher" dimensions and the 4 lower ones would by definition be a "superior being". Anyone who can access dimensions 1-5 or more could call themselves an angle, demon or space alien with advanced technology and a creature confined to dimensions 1-4 would have no way of knowing the difference, apart for information transmitted form a higher dimension.

    Anyway I'd like to know your thoughts on what I've put forth.

  2. Anyway I'd like to know your thoughts on what I've put forth.

    I am headed in that direction, but I just can't make statements without backing them up.
