Thursday, April 3, 2014

Fort Hood Shooting

I spent 3 years working on Fort Hood Military Reservation  from 1992-1995. My job was to design sediment retention dams to keep the tank fallowed rangeland from eroding into Lake Belton. I met a lot of nice soldiers there. Even though I don't like to use crisis law making, I was disturbed when Lt. Gen. Mark A. Milley said that Fort Hood Military Reservation did not allow its soldiers to carry concealed weapons. Texas conceal carry is banned on the reservation.

This Base is the biggest in the world and I found myself lost out there quite a few times., which is easy to do on 158,000 acres of rocks and hills. Trails that lead to no where and everything looks pretty much the same. There is only one real rough spot on the reservation and that is the whole damn thing. I personally think that they need to re-evaluate their ban on conceal carry considering this is the second such shooting in 5 years.

What you say?


  1. Let everyone carry.

    In the Army CCW shouldn't be used. Army personnel have a uniform standard and a side arm in a holster is included in that standard. On duty military should have a handgun, holstered, condition 4 as per regulations as part of their required daily uniform. IF this standard was applied to NCO's E3 and above and officers their wouldn't be large groups of people getting shot.

  2. I am against gun free zones. Except for maybe bars. Places where idiots regularly get drunk and get into fistfights probably would not benefit from the addition of firearms. I'm free to avoid them either way.

  3. In Alaska, as I understand it, you can carry in a bar if you don't drink. It's not a problem.
