Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Why people Cry?

Feelings hurt, Body Hurt, but the most crying is done to hurt other people. John C wright said it well.

"Christians writing me and telling me to make nicey-nice with our enemies do surprise me, I suppose, but the mistake is on their part for assuming that all writing is apologetic, meant to persuade the undecided. Some writing is explanatory: I believe we Christians have been paralyzed by the wolf in sheep clothing for over a century because his behavior seems so irrational for a sheep, self-destructive and self-contradictory. I have a theory to explain it, to show that it is not irrational at all, but exactly the behavior all Christians are warned in Christian writings to be on guard against: they are Pharisees, and like the Pharisees of old, they mean to destroy us and hang our master on a tree. " ~JCW

"Crucify him, Crucify him" Funny, the Sunday before they were throwing palms before his feet, then the next week they said "Crucify him". What do you expect from the world? They build celebrity then tear them down. There are many Novelists, Actors, Playboys that are built up just to tear down. They dance with the Devil and the Devil decides when the dance is over.

There are many lessons to be learned. If the world will crucify God himself, what are your chances? A man sinless in a world of sin nailed to the cross? Yet people want to play god in their sinfulness? One of the Beatles proclaimed, "we are bigger than Jesus." That man, in Forest Gump language was shot down, Died on the street.

Jesus died because he was good, no, perfect, in an imperfect world. So when the world treats you bad take that as a compliment. Don't cry, and never boast. We all gonna die of something, I'd rather die alone, and we all will.

"There is no crying in baseball"  and it is just a game.

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