Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Silver Solution - Updated with photo.

Some advertises theirs as the most powerful silver solution. I can make more powerful. They only have like 12-38 ppm and says not for regular use. OK, when do you use it? I make my own colloidal silver with electrolysis, good for mouth and skin infections, I never swallow it. I think mine is about 900- 1000 ppm. Why skimp? Electricity is cheap. You got to clean the negative side though, I use scrubbing pads. Two silver wires I use in a jar, and 30 volts of DC electricity (Anode/Cathode). I am going to draw a picture with CAD.

I'll be back in a minute. OK, I'm back

The two rods are silver 0.999 pure, 0.960 is good enough.. You can find them at jewelry shops, mine are 3/16 inch rods in water jar. You can use three - 9V batteries in series or as I have a 30V DC adapter. 2 minutes beats anything on the market, don't drink it Mouth wash only, spit out. Five Minutes, mix with honey and place it on an infected sore and wrap it, change it twice a day and nothing the doctors got is better. Use real honey not the corn syrup stuff that is a big mistake. Read Ingredients, "Pure natural honey."

Update from email: " How do you know it is working?" It is visible you will see little white bubbles coming off one of the rods.  Picture below... of actual mechanism.

Notice I got a 400 ohm resistor in series in case of short. Not necessary.

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